Man that hurt to write that sentence, it's amazing how old I feel whenever I realize a game i "used to play" was actually 15+ years ago and that i'm pushing into my 30's, but here we are almost 20 years later from the 1.5 version of Counter-strike that nearly every teen in their late 20's early 30's now would of played hours of as a teenager with friends, back in a simple time when CRT monitors were high class and a plastic chair was all you needed, I literally grew up playing Counter-Strike, it was the first real game I got serious about, competing in tournaments and making friends and a game that has been with me my whole life. It's a game that has never gone out of style even like I said over two decades, 20 years, it's still popular and might even be more popular than it has ever been, now the only game I have to compare this too in terms of continuity is maybe DoTa and world of warcraft, but even then, they've undergone changes and rebranding from the original product, Counter-Strike however has very very largely remained untouched since it's original version came out before the turn of the millennium(god damnit i feel old) so how has this game managed to survive in nearly 6 generations of gaming( gaming generally changes every 3-5 years) and not lost it's touch or popularity?
Well today we're going to take a look at the latest iteration of the game in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive which even in itself is 6 years old and see why one of the first online shooters has survived all this time and what makes it such an amazing game, lets get right into it.