7 years ago in #dlive by kaliju (65)
- Past Payouts $4.91
- - Author $3.79
- - Curators $1.12
38 votes
- ocdb: $4.45
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- maxinpower: $0.12
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- and 18 more
Sorry to see you're disappointed with the recent change on the app, I'm sure I will feel the exact same disappointment. So let's see what are the possibilities that causes such change? Before Steempay come in to answer or before he/she able to come up with reasons/excuses:
They simply want all these to be happened at 1 place. To fulfill the government requirement, to earn commission, to sell data at the same time. Now let's see which 1 Steempay would answer or if they're brilliant enough to give another explanation or nice enough to give us back the previous version.
Nothing is realted to the government. The project is stepping forward through the long term roadmap. I am really pleased that SteemPay is seriously used by some people, and there are people who are promoting SteemPay.
You can still use "Instant Sell" feature in the menu which serves you the exactly same way like before. I was considering removing it, but I will keep it longer for you guys. Thanks!
And this is an open sourced project, anyone can launch it on their expense. I don't want to sacrifice my time any expense more for the work not relevant to the long term roadmap, because I am already too busy and running out of fund. Online commerce API and SMT will step in to get SteemPay to the main stage.
Also, there were many local shop owners who wanted me to build the login based system with the advanced store and item management. They explicitly and nicely asked me to do that work so I delivered the feature for them. And they continuously give me really valuable feedback and advice. Never blamed me for the inconvenience they had. Clear winner.
With all due respect, winner don't claim their own win. Without that last phrase, I did gave you my 100% respect already. Now, the respect has been discounted a little🤣. Also I notice you have answered to @kaliju on this matter where clients would love to have exclusive "login" verification, I believe they're going 1 step ahead, things that I haven't even think of, a blockchained PLU system I believe? So, a logon is required because all the product storewide will be securely coded with their pricing. Unlike buying 1 sandwich, 1 invoice is easy. If a customer came and wanted to buy 10 cans of beer, 30 rolls of toilet paper, and 5 live chicken, by the time only the shop owner start creating invoice, that will be taking too long, and the transaction memo will be too brief to record all the necessarily detail. Wiht a proper store log on, I think they don't need a POS system anymore? Phone camera will be able to direct scan barcode, get pricing from store detail, and finalized with a subtotal for all purchases. Buyer can choose to steemconnect pay or direct who knows in future if a registered buyer can have their own payment card like a T-card only difference is this 1 load crypto! Who knows one day I will be using my SteemCard to ride Humetro 😎
Thanks again @asbear for taking time to answer me, them, all of us. From your reply, not a bad idea to charge extra commission for those unregistered transaction. At least you're offering them choice. I will pinch @kaliju's butt and get him patiently waiting for an even better version of Steempay. Cheers
Thanks. As long as the seller logs in they can use the same feature. This is unavoidable unfortunately because the invoice creation API without an authentication can be very risky. You cannot limit API call by user, by session or anything. Then anyone can attack my API and
fill up the DB with fake data which will cause many problems.
The user interface will evolve with the this kind of feedback. I think simply adding a price input area in the sell page will do the same.
Many thanks for your kind words and explanations!
Sorry to hear that you didnt like the new SteemPay. The previous feature is still available through "Instant Sell". The seller needs to sign-up with their email address to use that. And you know you can create an email address without exposing your identity. So the sell still can use the previous feature with no risk.
But if the seller refused to sign-up because he is bothered or for some other mysterious reasons, and you want me to work on pulling back the previous version and launching, operating, paying the expenses for the users who are unsupportive to my project vision, I think it makes no sense.
Then let me ask a question. Are the seller and you still willing to use the old SteemPay if you need to pay 1% commission per payment?
It's not that I don't like it, I can see the potential it and I am excited for future versions, but just from my experience alone, I can say that the old one was, how do I put it, easier to set up? Yeah, it was just click and go. The two merchants that were using it (I had to demonstrate how easy it was) were really impressed and it allowed me to spend my SBD daily. However, that last time I saw them, they were both reluctant to sign up with their emails and politely explained to me that they didn't have time to set it up. And I didn't really want to push them to do it, well I sort of did, hinting here and there that this is a better way, but it was clear that they just wanted to have my visa card at that point.
I'm not sure about the sellers, but if I had to pay an extra 1% for the convenience of it, I personally would. I of course would like to support the project, it's just that, this is our first time talking to each other and I guess now would be a good time to ask if there is anything I can do to support it! Because all other steempay apps are mediocre at best. I can host the old version as an alternative and maybe even give it a different name to differentiate from your "roadmap version". Are you on discord? kaliju
#9824 maybe we can talk about it further, if you're kind enough to support this idea. Thanks for your hard work, regardless. What you're doing is needed and will indeed help push steem dollars as a viable currency to pay for stuff.
I have been looking for a truly simple way to accept SBD or Steem on the fly at shows to promote it as a viable currency to start holding and can't come up with one.
Maybe this needs to be a project we work putting together. IMO nothing can make steem jump in value as much as getting the world to see nearly instant payments with say a .10 cent fee to cover costs. Disclose the actual cost up front and maybe even show what it would have cost on Visa/Mastercard or even Paypal to show the savings.
Make the buyer pay the minor fee as nobody will think twice about a dime when they are spending dollars.
The thing is, this here was working perfectly fine, there were no fees to use the service, and it's actually so simple that anyone can make one. @asbear added a whole layer of advanced features and by doing so made it unappealing for end-users. This is just from my experience, because the two shopkeepers refuse to sign up to continue using it for accepting SBD payments. Really sad.
Was the service only allowed in Korea or was it global?
It is a global service.
@kaliju it is unfortunate that the sellers are refusing to sign up. But you are asking for reverting my work that took more than several weeks just for the sellers who are simply not willing to sign up? I don't see any reason for doing that. You could have persuaded him to sign up rather than blaming me for his not signing up.
I will try to persuade them to use it again if we can have that instant sell be available without email sign up! Sorry, I wasn't blaming you, it came out sounding that way
conratulations, good post and good luck my brother
Why are you congratulating me? Thanks but good luck with what?
I congratulated you, because I think your post is very good, and we wish you luck and make your post useful for US. thank you.
I didn't even know this existed in Korea.
Well, it doesn't really exist... It's just that I've been going around telling people about how they can easily start accepting SBD as payment and it worked beautifully, until the recent update that is.
I wish we can have the app running here, but we don't even have a proper exchange yet. The only adopters are those who willing to go down the adventurous path. So far, 2 burger shops and a clinic.
Reveal spoiler
Bitrocker can learn a thing or two from you when it comes to showing basic communication skills. Back on topic, two, three places is better than nothing! 🙃
Nah. I learnt a lot from him, but nowadays I've been focusing to build the Chinese community, hence I started to spend more time commenting then creating blog entries.
I was merely speaking from my experience trying to talk to him, was like talking to a wall lol But yeah, I'm seeing an influx of Chinese/users from China here. Diversification if a good thing, steemit is slowly becoming a part of everyone's life 😎
people like their data being stored somewhere for some random samaritan to take care of it for them. what a shame.
It is a shame, but if @asbear can let us have the old version, that would be nice. Will you, @asbear? If you think the old one is inferior then I don't see why you wouldn't let us have it. Otherwise you'll leave us no choice but to make a clone and give back to people what worked and what they had full control over. 👏
SteemPay is a open sourced project. You can get the old version from GitHub and run. You will need to pay the all the expenses (domain, AWS, etc) for that plus you need to know the technologies and how to work with it.
Is there a way for it to integrate with something like https://steemflea.market? I see you have a new API available, but I haven't looked into it yet. If you allow me to host the old version as an alternative, I think this is something I'll be willing to do. The old version seemed to turn your phone into a sort of POS system with zero set up! But if you're saying that you will keep the instant invoice feature (thank you!), then this settles everything and then there is no need to do anything else. Just make it be available without having to sign up first. The other functions like "sell" can require an email, which makes sense. But instant sell should be unlocked like it was before pleeeease :D
and it's opensource.what about @paywithsteem? i haven't looked into it myself so i dunno much. but it seems like they have working services already.
They collected a copy of my passport in order to get me a free T-Card. Later only I realized I can buy it from the Metro at 2000krw. Ughhh... anyway, my passport will expire soon. So they won't have my latest data anymore. LOL
sigh. an entire passport for some fishy payment system. it's owned by the government. again, shameful..
what's worse is that people love that shit here.
You got a 25.63% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @kaliju!
buenas soy venezolana,espero contar con su apoyo y visita a mi blog,es un placer interactuar con usted,gracias y buen dia
Muy bueno tu trabajo @kaliju
That's really unfortunate to hear but in my opinion, as you said the creator of this app is an Steemian, so for sure he knows the meaning of Decentralisation and that's why he created in a way of Decentralisation.
But now it's converted into like an centralised app as you said, may be there could be some strong reasons because many times the idea launches in one way means, either centralised way or decentralised way, but conversion can be pushed by many factors. Let's hope for the best. 🙂
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Chiree, man, just because someone is on steemit doesn't automatically make them an understanding figurehead. ✌️ Besides, if he cared about his end users, he would have replied already. Not everyone is nice like you, greed can and has ruined many great projects in the name if "improvement". Remember, less control you have over something - someone out there has that control in their hands. Centralization means dictation, no freedom to do things your way. The latest update of this service asks too much of you in order to be able to use it, unlike how it was before.
Yes brother, that's unfortunate to hear.