Morning Coffee Live Chat: Crypto Markets, Voluntaryist Principle, Politics (+ IMPROMPTU LIVE JAM! :))

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


Join me in the LIVE chat this morning to talk crypto, voluntaryism, and politics (and a bit of live music!). I'll be reading the comments and addressing them on air, so feel free to contribute.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

My live stream is at DLive


I always enjoy listening to your videos and your rants. You made me think of a funny thing. "Why don't you apply for government grants?" "Because I'm not a thief."

Legal does not necessarily = moral. And sometimes the moral thing is illegal, while doing something legal can be immoral. A LOT of people don't seem to understand. Since I've learnt more about Natural Law and Morality because of my abuse experience, it has opened my eyes up. Honestly, I still hate the guy who abused me, but sometimes I feel like thanking him because he got me woke, and what he did to me led me on a path of enlightenment and towards Libertarianism and Voluntarism and allowed me to learn and discover about control, abuse, mind control, brain wash, narcissism, psychopathy, and now I see that those same traits lie in the government too. It's not just that one guy. And people, the minute you say something that threatens their narcissistic illusion of victimhood, and this is all subconscious, they get angry at you, they're mad at you, they want you to be wrong, because they cannot conceive a life without that illusion, not realising that the illusion controls them, while they think it makes them happy. Because waking up is scary, but once you're "woke" then you can find happiness and break free from total control, because you are aware, and being aware can save you from total control.

You are a queen. You are a ruler of yourself. You are also a warrior. Warriors recognize their rulership over themselves, and they understand the consequences of their actions. They are "woke" as you said, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to further their objectives. We live or die based on our actions, and our actions should be taken without doubt. They should be taken with a full understanding of the worth of our lives in balance with what we seek to further. To me individual liberty, the furthering of it, is worth any price. By any price I mean my life, the lives of those I love, and any price imaginable. Just don't expect to tread against me without paying a heavy price in return. ;-)

Nice. Thank you for that lovely reply.

Hehe "woke" is the new buzzword these days. I kind of like it, even if it's not grammatically correct necessarily :p

Yes, people who try to control us now when we are "woke" find that they are met with an opposition that makes them turn away. I rather lose "friends" if it means not hanging out with people who are not authentic or who try to manipulate, and gain new ones, real ones, authentic and genuine people who get it.

Wow, I did not realize you had been down that path of abuse. Im sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you came out of it and are processing it. It seems like those of us who have felt the pain of this shit are the ones who end up embracing the philosophies of freedom, individual self-ownership, and non-violence most sincerely, rigorously, and vehemently. I see that those same traits lie in the government too. It's not just that one guy. And people, the minute you say something that threatens their narcissistic illusion of victimhood, and this is all subconscious, they get angry at you, they're mad at you, they want you to be wrong, because they cannot conceive a life without that illusion...

Really well said. Yes, the "government" in most ways, really is literally one giant narcissistic cult.

Thanks for watching and for the great commentary.

Always a pleasure.

Yeah, it's been close to 13 years now, I think, since I left that narc. So I've had time to numb myself, burn myself out, fall into symptoms, and to heal. I consider myself almost mostly healed. I've come to embrace my hypersensitivity and CPTSD as part of what makes me capable of feeling things on a very deep and emotional level. Also, the abuse experience alerted me to some childhood wounds that needed healing.

Oh, and before that relationship (when I was 20), I would have sold my soul to go to Hollywood. Now I know better. I was the guy's slave, man, I'm not gonna be someone else's slave, and because of that relationship, I didn't try to go down a path that might have led to more abuse on the long term. And now I understand the difference between the illusion of freedom and true freedom. I'm very happy with where I am now...most days :p

A cup of morning coffee and some crypto talk. I'm no fan of politics but music always motivates me to stay.

I loathe and despise politics! ;) Thanks for tuning in, @wa2qr. Hope you liked the jam!

Rain ,morning tea, and Kafka talk...gud time

Great news. I am going to participate. Thanks for sharing.

It’s already over.