A much needed song.

in #dlive6 years ago


an overwhelming emotional day with a lot of realizations. How funny that when you get upset over something materialistic all of the deeper emotions come forward and all of the pain you have been suppressing finally boils over the top.
Today: we had to put my dog Gidget down. She had a heart murmur and kidney disease. Her kidneys and internal organs all finally started to shut down this past week and today she lost her ability to walk and we knew it was time. We've had her since I was six, I remember so clearly going to the pound and my mom telling me that I could pick out any dog that I wanted, as soon as I saw her jumping up and down and so excited to see a human I knew I wanted her. She was the most gentle loving princess, she was attacked by another dog a while ago which made her not like stranger dogs but she absolutely loved humans. And when I say she was a princess I mean she was a freaking princess. Anytime we would go on walks she would refuse to get her toes wet in the gutter. She would go to great lengths to make sure that her pretty little paws were never ruined. I suspect she would've loved doggie nail polish if I ever did that to her ( I never did don't worry). She loved baths, everytime we would wash one of our other dogs she would always be sitting waiting for her turn. She would follow me everywhere when I was a kid, I never had to worry about having her on the leash, wherever I went she went. I remember when she got lost one time and we looked all over for her and when we finally found her she came running to us. It was the sweetest thing. I remember hiking in the redwoods with her and she was such a little trooper, if I got my feet wet she wasn't afraid to get hers wet either. I hope everyone has a pet like Gidget, so full of love. I'll miss you so much my sweet little girl. You will always be in my heart.

My video is at DLive