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RE: WE ARE ALIVE — On Living the Creative Life [My TEDx Talk, Decentralized]

in #dlive7 years ago

I am so deeply touched, I almost bursted into tears. 4:45 "I blinked my eyes open that day ... and I've devoted myself ever since – and for the rest of my life I devote myself – to things that matter." You are the perfect message I needed to hear today, and why I need to continue doing the things I do, to talk about things that matter in Life. Having been diagnosed with leukemia back in 2014, here and now, these are my exact words - "I want to talk about things that matter." I am so happy and grateful I have chanced upon you, and to have you confirm that this is why I need to go ahead and do what matters to Me, that is, being of value and reminding others what Really matters in Life.. ,

Thank you. .