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RE: Allergies & summer travel

in #dlive6 years ago

oh my gosh crowbarmama thanks so much for the detailed explanation! wow I'm honored that you took the time.
Well that is an amazing story because on one hand I feel so bad for her but on the other hand she has helped the entire family to be more healthy! after causing you tons more work but the end result can be literally life saving. how interesting.

hey what in the world is fermented Beet Kvass? I hate beets so it sounds like a nightmare drink to me! lol. the fermented part sounds good but not the beet part!
God bless you guys!


@janton Haha. I did not grow up eating beets or fermented beverages, other than wine, so it was really foreign to me. There are different types of kvass, but basically it's beets with some salt and water, left on the counter for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. It sounds nasty, and it does taste a little bit like dirt, but it is so incredibly good for you. The first time I tried it I gagged, but a second later I was craving more. It's so weird. Anyway, now I actually like it and try to make it regularly. I even did a post on it a while back when I was still new here. Check it out if you want more details.

And as always, thanks for stopping by. It's always a pleasure to read your comments. Blessings to you!