@sweetsssj What an amazing place! Your videos are truly a voyage of discovery for me. I never thought Taiwan had a "Grand Canyon". The way that you combine music, text, photos, and videos is unique.
One question...the Wikipedia article on Taroko Gorge mentions that it's possible to find jade in the park. Have you ever looked for jade? Do they let you keep what you find? In Arkansas (USA) there is a park as well, called Hot Springs National Park, where you can search for diamonds. They let you keep what you find there. You'd probably love to visit.
I look forward to hearing, watching, and reading about more of your travels.
All the best,
Ira - upvoted and resteemed
Thanks for reading carefully ira, I actually didn't have the opportunity to find any jade. I suspect the easiest ones to find are probably all long gone.. I'm quite intrigued about the Diamonds you mention in the Arkansas park, surely they would have all been found already? Maybe there is some diamond rush history ?
Here's a link to Crater of Diamonds National Park, Arkansas. You can dig for diamonds there, and keep any that you finid. The park is in Arkansas, very near to President Clinton (Bill, not Hillary) birthplace of Hope, Arkansas.
I think you would have a wonderful time there. I'd love to see your vlog of it.
Have you ever traveled to the USA?
Thanks so much for your posts and for allowing me to travel to all those places I would never have been able to visit otherwise.