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RE: DLive is Leaving Steem, And This is My Last Blog Post on Steemit

in #dlive7 years ago

I'm speaking of the 64,125 USD/Month cost, It could have be eliminated if Dlive had built IPFS applications and encoding on the user end. You will face the same problem in Lino. Take my advice. Invest into building this Application, today. You save 64,125 USD a month. Also release this code open source , so other blockchains can prosper. Thank you for the reply.


My friend, please learn more about IPFS so you will know why they cannot help with live-streaming.

Pardon my ignorance because I don't really know the details, but isn't the cost cited not even about storage+IPFS, and just simply the bandwidth itself required for streaming? Those are separate, no?

When did I say live streaming was a good idea for p2p? @omgk . And why does thepriatebay still run smoothly after a decade and being the former leader of internet traffic for many of those years only to be finally overtaken by Netflix. @eonwarped @omgk. I can post the discord logs if you like.

Nah that's not necessary. I just don't know what's involved in the cost figure, so that's why I'm asking. I assume most of the activity is live streaming bandwidth. Can you get rid of the costs for that?