I have been in an unhealthy dump for the past few years with GERD, caused by unhealthy eating and sleeping habits and many many phsycological stress. I only found out in 2015 that I have anxiety disorder and depression. It was hard getting out of it and as a result my weight went to a dangerously low 39kg. So for me, gaining weight is really important and it wans't until recently that I decided to not only gain weight but try to live healthier as my stamina gets lower and lower.
As I was always feeling anxious, I love staying in bed which made me feel secure. Little did I know that it caused my stamina to go downhill and most of the time I felt like I do not have energy. Since I'm in no shape for exercise, I would literally get breathless after a 500 steps of walking or going up two floors of stairs, I decided to do a healthy diet. Peopel think that diet means losing weight but it actually means having a good balance of meal. I boost it up with nutritional shakes as I need the supplements at the moment, drinking it twice a day.
I tried to always have carbo, protei and fiber in every of my meal and also eat more fruits. As of right now, my stamina is getting better and I can walk farther distance so I walk as an exercise. Walking to me is a good exercise, especially for people who are trying to get their health back but can't handle the gym or other much more demanding exercises. I'm also tryimng to fic my sleeping habit though this is going slowly, but I'm positive that I can do it.
Thank you for your honest comment.
Very interesting and inspiring story.
There are a lot of nutrients and ways which would help in your situation.
I think you're on the right track!