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RE: DLive is joining the Lino blockchain, moving away from Steem

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)

Are you serious? SMT's are on the horizon allowing for account based voting. Wouldn't that address the problem? And after all the support you've received from the Steemit Devs and community.

"Disappointment" doesn't even begin to explain how I feel hearing this...


Combined with the fact that this was a rushed decision with no proper community input or allowance for proper time to even research LINO to begin with. It's starting to feel more like a betrayal and opportunist move than anything. Best case it's gonna fracture the community tremendously, worst case, it's gonna kill the userbase. I don't even understand why they can't make it cross-chain at the very least.

Cash n grab, buddy. It all looks real bad on the team at this point. And the audacity to carry it out when HF20 is released. I don't buy any of it and am totally with you on this.

I'm heavily skeptical, yeah. The fact that they continue to powervote with bots and avoid saying anything that isn't culty "we trust!!" shit is very interesting to say the least.

From what I'm reading, they planned on being LINO(or LI-NO as @steemitqa said) from the start. Its the little things, but the biggest thing is that they all went to college together.

The college thing makes me think Lino is like Facebook all over again.

Is anything cross-chain yet? I would love to see something between, Steem, Gab, Minds, Real Video, and Bitchute, for example.

Agreed, I feel betrayed, almost as bad as when Peter Pan was trying to kill own son, or something, Gold, from Once Upon a Time.