Are vegans arrogant?

in #dlive7 years ago


I've been told several times by meat eaters that vegans are arrogant. Since this is a recurring topic, I thought I'd reflect on why vegans are being perceived as such.

What do you think? Are vegans arrogant? If your answer is yes, can you tell me why you think that is?

My video is at DLive


I honestly have never preached, I call for awareness and moderation, still day after day, they question WHY I DON'T eat meat? but have you tried it? you're missing ham! aren't you unhealthy? plants have feelings too (that's my point of losing patience). I breathe deeply, and I try to make them understand that I'ts my choice, and honestly sleep better not having lives extinguishing without me needing them for survival.

yeah the plant argument drives me nuts too LOL

If I have to explain all over again that plants have no nervous system, and work with slow speed phytohormones for stimuli and growth, that they don't feel pain cos they don't have P substance... oh my ... like I just ignore it... Still, kill a pig, it cries, it screams... :(
I'm not going preach anything but we are harassed for are option more than they feel we are arrogant I think.

I kept nodding my head during the entire video haha, Hope your husband gets well soon :)

LOL thanks @earthling-saul =) He's much better now!!! =)

yes healing wishes

You are very right Eve! It's mainly the lack of patience and being tired of saying all of it all over again.

I am lucky that I'm surrounded by people who accept my decision and don't question it. But some of them simply feel like they have to fight as soon as I say that I'm vegan. Without me asking they will start telling me that they only eat organic meat and eggs and that they always make sure that the animals had good life. But they somehow miss the point that animals died because of their food choices.

A friend of mine got very angry with me because once I told het why animal products are not good for her medical conditions. She kept saying that she has to eat it to treat her medical conditions. This disagreement ended with shaking up our relationship and we have barely seen each other from that time. Sad story but I just hope she will once open her eyes.

Thank you for the video! We just have to keep spreading the message! 😊

I'm sorry about your friend! If she's a real friend she'll come around, fingers crossed! =)

Yes, we have to keep spreading the message, totally agree!

I enjoyed your video. Touched on a lot of good points.

I think like you alluded to, we can't really paint a broad brush of all vegans are arrogant or even no vegans are arrogant. Just like there are both arrogant and non arrogant meat eaters, there are arrogant and non arrogant vegans. I think it depends on the person and the delivery that they use to get their point across.

I do however think that sometimes vegans get wrongly painted as arrogant because they are delivering a message that most simply don't want to hear or aren't ready to hear. It's difficult for many to re-evaluate /confront their world view and examine whether or not their actions are truly in alignment with what they know in their heart. It strikes a chord, because deep down inside, everyone knows that the ways that we exploit animals in our society are wrong. Rather than considering the idea of completely changing how we act on a daily basis to align with our morals, it's easier to get upset with the messenger, even if what is said is true.

People have to go through judgement, rejection and ridicule before they gain acceptance. So it's not surprising that they would see the vegan messenger as arrogant because it seems like by suggesting a different way of life, we are implying that we know the right way to live and what's best for them. I can't speak for everyone, but I feel that most vegans that feel passionate about this speak out because they feel compassion for the suffering of our fellow beings and not because they want to tell someone how to live their life. At least that's how I feel. I don't agree with telling people how to live as if I know better than they do, but when there's a victim involved, I feel we have a moral duty and obligation to speak out. Even if the message is something they don't want to hear. It all comes back to the delivery in how we relay our viewpoints in a non-judgemental and compassionate way. As you said, most of us didn't start out vegan, so we were in their shoes at one point. It calls for a change in our day to day living, but it's the best thing we can do for all people, the environment and of course the animals. It's the least we can do, really, for what are culture puts them through.

I also think you made a great point when you said that you no longer say "meat" in reference to animal flesh. I think this is very important. Society and culture have taught us to use euphemisms in order to detach us from the reality of what we are consuming. "Leather," "pork," "beef," etc., instead of "animal skin," "pig flesh," "cow," etc., are all used to separate us from the reality of what these products are. These items that are viewed as commodities by most, were once living beings or excretions that came from living beings. But because we use these euphemisms we are taught to not think about where they came from and the intense suffering that was involved. Awesome post! And sorry for the novel I just wrote haha

"I do however think that sometimes vegans get wrongly painted as arrogant because they are delivering a message that most simply don't want to hear or aren't ready to hear."

This is so very true! I should have included this point, hahah thanks for writing it! I couldn't have said it better. People get defensive and automatically view vegans as arrogant for pointing out a wrong doing. Thanks for the novel LOL

Great topic! And it is nice to see you!!

thanks girl =)

Other Person: "Oh, you're vegan? So you eat fish, right?"

Me: "No, I don't eat anything with eyes." (As I try not to roll mine)

It is quite shocking how little people actually think about where their food comes from, and even less how those choices impact so many other beings and the planet itself. I am sad to admit I was probably put off by vegans years ago because (like most people) I didn't want to think I was so wrong. I think there was fear and defensiveness to have that mirror put up in front of my face, but it also makes you think about how people you love also were totally clueless (and many still are).

For me I don't think I would have made the switch except that I started researching the nutrition side of things. After seeing the overwhelming evidence that this is the way to eat for longevity and to support my daily health and activity level, then I became much more open to seeing how much of an environmental and ethical impact exploiting animals has. Which is kind of crazy to me because I cry when I accidentally run over a squirrel, but I never made the connection with eating a hamburger. I think you hit on a great point when you talk about calling "meat" what it really is.

Now I can totally understand how easy it is to get frustrated and perhaps not make the best representation of the lifestyle. Just this morning at work it seemed like everyone was talking about meat, butter, and just how delicious rich food is. Besides getting physically ill just thinking about all of that, I felt my defenses going up and knew if I said anything it would probably not come out right. Even though everyone is pretty supportive of my lifestyle, it is still hard to not have many people in my daily life that have taken that red pill. ;)

I think that's why I have enjoyed being on Steemit so much--I have found my tribe!! I don't think I'll ever be very good at advocating with my words, but I think I'm getting pretty darn good at wooing people with my food. Just like there are some of us who came to veganism for animal rights or health, there are plenty who will stay for the food. ;)

Thanks for bringing up a great topic Eve!

thanks girl!!! "I cry when I accidentally run over a squirrel, but I never made the connection with eating a hamburger. "

That really hits the nail. Many meat eaters have pets and love them, but regards other animals as just ingredients. I don't know why that is. It used to be the same for me....

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

My sources say no

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