I've only streamed a few times, but it seems like my streams just got drowned out. I'm going to try again this week and hope for better visibility. I stream mainly left4dead stuff, but I'm thinking of streaming a weekly gaming news segment for my gaming community on Google+.
From the test streams I did it seems DLive is a pretty well functioning platform for streamers. I did notice you have to stream at or below 2.6mbps, otherwise it locks up though. That's the fastest rate I;ve been able to get it to accept so far.
But at least it holds a fairly steady stream. YouTube on the other hand locks up sometimes almost constantly ruining my stream. When I got a disconnected in DLive it was only momentary, rather than YouTube 20 second plus lapses.
I’ve gone all the way up to 3 mbps without issue. Perhaps it’s a problem just on your end?