Yesterday is Sunday and we decided to take our kid to the long anticipated Wooderful Land - a playground full of wooden games and toys in Wooderful life Huashan Store Taipei. Wooderful Life is a Taiwanese store that aims to bring wood into our daily lives. A quote from them:
Coined from wood and wonderful life, the brand Wooderful life starts from “wood” and “blends modern wooden crafts with the aesthetics of life” to demonstrate the pleasure and joy of contacting nature through the different appearances of natural wood.
We had passed through this store several times before and always feel some positive energy radiating out from this place. This Wooderful Land is especially attractive as it offers more than 30 kinds of interesting games made of wood for kids to play for admission tickets as low as a little more than $3 (NT$100) per person. You can play all you want here for 90 minutes!!
Below I will share with you some shots of the wooden games and in the DLive video you can see the bulk of it is about a game that even I am so fascinated about ... Not sure how they call it in English, but I call it "The Ultimate Ball Universe" !! I will keep it only in the video so the readers of this post are encouraged to be the audience of the vidoe! ^^ I can literally watch those balls rolling around for quite a long time!!
週日來到台北華山文創園區,帶著孩子直奔他想去很久的『木育森林』,英文叫 Wooderful Life,是一家非常有特色的木頭生活文創店,裡面主要是木製玩具、精緻用品禮品等。孩子有興趣的是店內有一個木遊戲樂園,裡頭有三十多種木頭製成的遊戲可以玩,只要台幣$100,就可以玩上90分鐘!有些遊戲,連大人也會玩得很著迷喔!我兒玩的太過激動,還被我罵了幾次但完全無損於他的瘋狂... 呵呵... 下次會再來!照片裡拍了一些遊戲,但記得去看影片,裡面主要是拍我非常喜愛的一個大型木球宇宙遊戲喔!超酷的~~~
------------ Here we go!! ------------
A lovely entrance - you will be whole-heartedly greeted by a band of wooden music players when you come here...
Buy admission tickets to the Wooderful Land at the counter if you wish to enter this privileged zone.
See the ticket - an entry wristband - around my boy's wrist?
Wooden blocks of course!!
Lots of other games that are so wooderful ^^ ...
Remember to watch the video above!! ^^
In case you did not recognize it ... the following, also the thumbnail and beginning of the DLive video, is the creation of mine today using those wooden blocks. It is a tribute to the @DLive team from me!! Pretty cool stuff, isn't it!? ^_^
See you next time!!
My video is at DLive
兄弟,還沒財務自由呢~~~ 可不能整天等著看球啊~~~~ >_<
ps.我看了第一節,下午看到結果心想what? 竟然Curry大復活.....
说的也是,话说我今天也是请假看的,还弄了个Dlive直播看你会不会来捧捧场,哈哈。 Curry 粉丝今天看第三节的 Highlight 就好了。
看到了,我也想過這樣做,但...... 這樣不會明顯侵權嗎?證據還留在區塊鏈上 .... >_< .... (支持讚在此)
其实也有想过啦,就是侵权啊,还可能为平台带来危机什么啊等等的,但相信还是 fxck it,干就干没什么大不了。况且看着顶上的 Beta 字眼,这不就是 Steem 作为社交内容的实验品的目的吗?相较自己而言,我更想试试平台的容纳度有多深。
This is why we play 😁
Omg 太好玩啦!
^_^ 下次來帶你去玩 lol
對啊.... 放木頭塊求平衡....
哈哈 無限波波宇宙~~~~~一直在看~~~~頭暈;p
哈哈哈哈 .....
下次我帶你去..... >_<
我这是赶上美女的首个视频了吗 很喜欢配乐和衔接呢 Wooderful Life, haha, wonderful name! 🙃 还看到了那180个inner child里的第二个~
?? 這都第三個了吧....
你又看到什麼了.... 怎麼我不知道這是啥
我看到的美女第一个内心小孩是鸭嘴兽小公仔四处留影 那时你说等着瞧会有更多 所以我说这玩木头大概是我看到的第二个啦 😄
噢,是這樣啊.... 裡頭著很多人啦,有小孩,有老人,有女人,有惡人,有大好人,有不是人,有超人 ...