How Many People Have I Blocked & Banned?
Audience Question: How many people do I have banned, blocked, or muted on social media platforms? On Steem, the answer
How often do you block or ban people?
My video is at DLive
Audience Question: How many people do I have banned, blocked, or muted on social media platforms? On Steem, the answer
My video is at DLive
Do you get attacked?
Well yeah
Alas.. the world we live in.
I don't have anyone muted on Steemit. However, on Facebook & Twitter I do have a few predators & bullies blocked, not so I don't see them, but so that they never see me again. I simply I wish to excise myself from their lives.
So I've just done a test with a friend on the functionality of the Steemit Mute button, and it does absolutely nothing to prevent somebody I've muted from seeing my posts.
I would really appreciate knowing how to mute myself to chosen other people, and if it is not yet available, I would like to be directed to the Steemit suggestion box ;-)
It may just be me, but I've found the Steemit community to be uniquely positive. I'm not sure if that will stay though, I wasn't there when FB started, and I'd be willing to guess it got more toxic over time.
Although the arcane nature of steemit might keep troglodytes out.
Steemit Is just an interface. Dlive is also a sort of interface. Steem is different than steemit, it is a blockchain. It's kinda impossible to stop others from seeing your posts. The way the system has been designed.
Oh good. I was worried that I may have gotten mutated when the last response you gave me was to that one where I was annoyed over the Russia scandal.