I don’t think you’d get sick, just like she hasn’t :) previously, developer headsets had a low frame rate. The new ones are significantly better and unless the game isn’t well optimised it shouldn’t make anyone nauseous - you should try!
Hey crypto3d. I'd love to talk with you at some point about the work and gaming you do. Working on a business that's relatively close to jumping from the pure idea state, to doing all sorts of work in 3d/blender/VR. Alx
Yes I enjoy this game alot with my CV1 :)
I know right? Such a simple, yet addictive game!
Game looks addictive and is a sure way to build them biceps and triceps..
Anyone can play VR, but my first time will prolly cause me to puck i guess.. hahaha
Hahah yea you do sweat after a while.
I don’t think you’d get sick, just like she hasn’t :) previously, developer headsets had a low frame rate. The new ones are significantly better and unless the game isn’t well optimised it shouldn’t make anyone nauseous - you should try!
These videos are awesome and yes your wife did fantastically. I'd love to get VR iT looks like so much fun.
Hey crypto3d. I'd love to talk with you at some point about the work and gaming you do. Working on a business that's relatively close to jumping from the pure idea state, to doing all sorts of work in 3d/blender/VR. Alx
Sure mate. Hit me up at dworak.dworak@gmail.com