July 23, 2018
Denver, Colorado
Short lightning presentations from the Colorado Blockchain community, limited to 10 minutes or less with a short question and answer period.
Dan Shields - Evangelist and advocate for cryptocurrencies and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs). He is a connector of people and communities by organizing and running local meetups found on https://coloradoblockchain.com/. https://twitter.com/NukeManDan
Demetri Bolduc - Founder of Sourceably, a company with the goal of creating transparency in manufacturing, production and supply chains. Presentation: "Creating awareness and encouraging impactful buying choices". http://sourceably.me/
Connor Herman - Head of Reporting at Radar Relay. Presentation: "Transforming the Exchange". https://twitter.com/RadarRelay
Erik Johnson - Co-creator of Cache, the cyberpunk cryptocurrency trading game and winner of ETH Denver. Presentation: "Cache: the game update". https://www.cachethegame.com/
Andrew Kernosky - Founder of Archer Tax Group. Presentation: "What businesses need to know about paying their employees and contractors in crypto." https://twitter.com/archertaxgroup
Paul Quigley - CEO and founder of Bloclab. Active member of the Wyoming Blockchain Coalition and helped bring 5 landmark pieces of legislation into Wyoming. Presentation: "Blockchain Legislation". https://twitter.com/paulsquigley
Jason Rohlfing - Founder of the Ren Coin project and a proud father of three. Presentation: "The REN Coin Project and Decentralized Micro-Certification". https://rencoin.io/
Do YOU have a burning blockchain related idea or project that you would like to share with the Colorado community? Decentralize Colorado is open to ideas from all perspectives of the blockchain space. Tell others what you're excited about! Contact us at decentcolo@gmail.com.
Check out past lighting talks meetup recaps: https://medium.com/@decentralizecolorado
My video is at DLive