Did you know that grounding, also known as earthing i.e. putting your bare feet into the earth, gives you tremendous health benefits?! The ocean sand right by the water is one of the best ways to ground because apparently the water helps your body receive the free electrons, which are a really potent antioxidant! Other places by the water are great too, but putting your feet in the grass (especially dewy grass) or anywhere on the bare earth is also really beneficial too.
Some people believe one of the reasons diseases are on the rise, is because most people in the world— especially in the cities—are not putting their feet into the earth hardly at all!!! We basically walk around our apartments or homes, often in socks or slippers, and we wear shoes every time we go out!
Growing up in Australia, I ran around outside barefoot a lot… but as an adult I don’t tend to do that much!!!
Since living close to the beach I’ve found my health has improved and I’m sure it’s partially because I put my feet in the sand all the time now!
People have found that grounding helps do the following (there have been scientific findings on this too):
- Reduces chronic pain
- helps the cardiovascular system
- heals inflammation
- Reduces stress hormones, so calms the nervous system
- Improves sleep
- thins the blood
- Protects from EMFs
- Balances hormones
There are also many many acupuncture meridians in our feet too so connecting our feet to the earth is said to activate these, having healing effects on our entire bodies!!
So wherever you are, I highly recommend getting outside every day—take off your shoes and socks, put your feet in the earth (even if it’s just a tiny patch of grass) and reap the incredible benefits!!
xo Bonnie
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Needless to say, I’m not a doctor, I’m just super passionate about this practice and hope you find it beneficial too!
References Dr Mercola, Wellness Mama and barefoothealing.com
My video is at DLive
I stand behind this theory 100%! I walk around barefoot 50% of the time during summer and it feels natural and good :) the acupuncture effects are really important in my oppinion.
That's so great! And yes I agree re the acupuncture effects... super powerful!
Interesting concept :-) sadly due to the fact I have chronic OCD doing things like this is not possible for me at the moment but I do remember as a kid how nice it did feel to have the sand beneath my feet, maybe one day I will again, we are so removed from nature no doubt that itself contributes o many illnesses, nature is more calming than all the artificial reality that has been created, hopefully humans will one day generally go back to what is real and move away from the artificial :-)
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