A few days ago I was having a few beers, yeah I know, a lot of my Russian stories start with beers but you have to understand that the final game was that day. I haven´t drink since sunday, I´ve been good since then.
Anyway, I was having a beer and decided to hit a club in an underground scene, in an abandoned factory area; those clubs you only see in the movies. We walked there and right outside the club we saw a lot of people, lights and people sitting in the street watching something that looked like a theather play.
I got a bit closer and I knew exactly what was happening...
Some stunt characters from the Avengers were filming a scene for the movie to come in 2019.
There were some military security in the surroundings not allowing people to get close nor record videos. The mexican anarchist inside me knew I had to say "fuck it" and try to get some seconds of video. The video quality is not the best and you have to know that I risked getting my ass kicked because I managed to go very very close to were the it was happening.
Be aware, there are some mayor spoilers in the minute of recording I´m bringing to you today.
Obviously the thumbnail is un-related to the topic but it´s just because I want to avoid spoiling the next movie to anyone who doesn´t want to.
My video is at DLive
It happens many times for sure means, sometimes when we go for tours or some other countries we can see these types of stuff where shootings are going on, and yes, for that moment it's an session of excitement for sure because at the end of the these are the shootings of the Movie.
And good to hear that you dared to capture this video and now you are sharing one glance of this shooting with us. And literally when we watch movies, we expect everything so easy but in reality it's an job with tons of weights.
And first thing which happens when some shootings or something is going on is, gathering of people and many times it's really becomes an disturbing aspect for the makers of the movie. And in this particular video we can see an one constant scene but when it really showcased in movie, for sure entire effect will be changed.
So, i hope that you really enjoyed this session and also hoping that you are having great time too.
@anomadsoul, wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Haha! This is hilarious!
Not many chances like this in real life, so good on you to SEIZE THE MOMENT!!!
I cant watch it because I hate spoilers, but I am happy for you that you stumbled on this moment......and that you werent so drunk that you got yourself in serious trouble!
Have fun, be safe and as always....
Good for you man, otherwise so many spoilers would have you creating theories and not being able to just wait patiently tfor the release of the movie :D
Exactly!! :-P
HOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY ball sac like looking chin of Thanos!!!
Warning: there are major spoilers in the video people..............
I saw four - five characters in the video and few of them are a***e. Bless you man!!! Thanks for sharing this.
Yeah man I´m not sure how it all fits there but I already have some theories about it.
I was actually thinking of some theories too. I would love to hear your version man and frankly YouTube is filled with so many theories that I have stopped watching. I'd rather get it from steemit :-)
hint: why is the arachnid boy looking like a child........
That is so cool :O Not a huge fan of the Avengers, but seems fun watching an actual movie being shot! :D How long are you still in Moscow for? :O
I want to stay a few more days and if able, return with a tourist visa for a few weeks/month. Hey you gotta watch the movies, you won´t regret it and might even become a fan!
That would be so cool! Traveling the world is the best thing you can possibly do with your time and money, in my opinion. And wow, Russia must've really impressed you if you want to go back (never been, but I'd love to).
Haa I'll try, who know when I may change my mind :D
Ha ha. Hardcore filming. Risking an ass-kicking is dedication to content creation Eric. I salute you ;-) That soldier was really on his game. At first he looked pretty chill but then all we can see is the camera getting pointed down and нет in the background. Good work persevering!
Yeah exactly he might have thought i was just texting or something but when i pointed the camera to him he got pretty strict with me :P
@anomadsoul that was a huge risk you took man. Glad you were not caught while recording tho.
Me too, Russian police/authority can be very unpolite but I understand their position. In general the people are very nice, but the police not so much.
I like the guy who wags his finger at you at the start, lol.
Also, why the hell is spiderman's stunt guy so fucking small? The whole thing seems pretty weird to me, haha. Appreciate you taking the risk/effort to film this, though it has certainly raised more questions than anything I would say. Like, will Thor perhaps be wearing nipple clamps throughout the film? And, will Spiderman be a twink submissive in some weird BDSM relationship? These are the things that we need to know.
Yeah truedat, the whole scenario makes you think of an alternate past or something like that where spidey becomes spidey earlier or dunno.
Lol you are asking the real questions there :P
I kinda wonder if maybe it has to do with Antman's suit technology where he partially shrinks him on accident, or so he can squeeze in somewhere or something like that. Guess I'll have to wait and see until next year, lol.
I mean, if you're not asking about mutated twink BDSM boy toys, then I don't know what the fuck you're doing with your life.
Watch Ant-Man 2 and stay for the last scene. Some time-space shit is mentioned and I think that's the key for the fucking argument of the fourth movie. It all starts there.
But then again, it's all just theories.
Yeah, I still haven't seen Antman 2. My friends kinda said it was probably the weakest film in the MCU which made me hesitant to go see it. Was told the action scenes weren't the best/were very short, they say quantum in every single sentence, and that the plot was poorly done. So, spending $15-20 when money is so tight right now for a film that sounds lackluster just makes me wanna wait for it to pop up on the old piratebay, lol.
I did hear the after credits scene was great though and is important.
Wow an original shooting scene? I'd give a billion dollars to see this actual behind the scene and everything, I guess they didn't want people to reveal their behind the scenes that's the reason for the security detail, overall you're a legend for capturing this buddy hahahaha
That's why it's called behind the scenes. It's never meant to be seen, except until much later.
Well he got spoilers, buddy, and it's amazing, so
I just saw Gomorra so I am satisfied. Seeing her alive gives me life. I probably didn't spell the name correctly but you know Zoe Saldana though, so I rest my case.
Lol it´s Gamora, Gomorra I think it´s a city from the Catholic bible haha but I got your point :D :D
Tu estadía en Rusia ah estado llena de aventuras y acompañadas de una buena cerveza, se ve las ha pasado super bien Saludos
You really risk getting your ass kicked
If i were you I'd do everything possible to show my face on that camera... Lol. This is so cool
Oh no imagine they send police men to get me because now they know I was the one who leaked the info!
So I can guess and share about avengers series that me and my friend will be see some scene of Moscow and I can guess now that avengers are trying to save people from crashing building and people are running here and there to protect From villain..
Hey @anomadsoul fans are waiting for next part of avengers. #Avengers_next #Moscow #FIFA
Posted using Partiko Android
Excellent post friend congratulations
Great friend I liked this post greetings
At list your stories didn't start with vodka (like they should have in Moscow)
¡Qué emoción! Y que espectacular estar ahí siendo un poco mexicano anarquista jajajaja.
Woooow you're so lucky!!! I want to see a shooting scene with Loki if I ever get a chance to see one. 😍
Posted using Partiko Android
it seems you were lucky to catch may great moments in Russia tduring these days;)
Football Championship, then this filming and...beer!;) paradise of life;)
do you know Russian? how do you communicate there?
Russian is a very complicated language, right?
Excellent video turned out. I wish you good luck and love. would be afraid to risk and record video.
Jeje te imaginé así, cuando te dijeron que no
Camera... Rolling... Action!)))
It 's alway interestiong to see what is behind the scene and begore editing)