Healthy Green Juice Recipe

in #dlive7 years ago


Hey Dlive

Today I'm coming at you with another juicing recipe. This is one of my all time favorites... Another simple and easy juice full of health benefits with a lovely green color.

I went off on a little rant in the beginning but Hope you enjoy!

1 stock Kale
1 stock Celery
1 Cucumber
2 handfulls spinach
4 Granny Smith apples
1 whole lemon squeezed

Thanks for watching!

My video is at DLive


Can I make a request for some gold juice?

If I knew the secret to that one...haha maybe put gold ore in the juicer and gold will come out???

Imi plac sucurile naturale, in special cele cu legume verzi, sunt excelente pentru detoxifierea organismului si, mai mult, sunt pline de vitamine si minerale.
O zi buna!

si mie im plac sucurile naturalte. Îmi place să le fac este foarte usor! Multumesc. I still think you should join dtube/dlive ❤️

Definitely looks like a tasty recipe