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RE: How to remove DLive from your Authorized Apps

in #dlive7 years ago

I heard there is a service ticket process to stop them from porting your existing content over to lino. I'd hate to lose the material since that's the only place the streamed content exists but I don't have interest in giving them anything considering how underhanded this move feels... maybe that's reactionary because i'm totally uneducated on what all of it really means... but you know how I feel about yt, for crying out loud. This smacks of that kind of lead-by-the-nose technique and if this is how they're starting out, I don't want to know how it ends! What kills me is that here it is, Thursday and we have until Monday to learn everything there is to know about the huge list of investors, the owners and the lino blockchain itself. That's seriously messed up!

As I learn more, I may end up eating some crow for this comment. I'll torch that bridge when I come to it. If anyone has any feedback for me, I'm open to hearing about it.


I don't know if you've seen this or not, but they're answering questions here:
Ask me anything about DLive migration!. Might be something you want to get answers for?

I was actually thinking about my content too. My dlive content. I did that for and on dlive, on Steem blockchain. I'm not sure I want them to keep my content... Sure, I might be okay with it, if they give me an offer I can't refuse. ;)

yeah but I had a problem logging in... and I'm in the steempeak discord server listening in on the group call right now