
I was actually just trying to stream some videogame play myself, but the target URL for my stream appears not to be resolvable via DNS.

I also wasn't expecting that my comment on the stream would be an actual comment on a post visible through Steemit, but that is pretty cool. So now I get to reply to something that I didn't see after the fact. Neat.

You have "target url" and "server url" .. put server url into obs. ALso the server url changes everytime you go live, and you create a new post,so at sometimes it may look like you are spaming posts on steemit. It's beta, but hey, maybe things will get better

Yeah, I know how to use OBS to stream. I have done it for quite a while on both YouTube and Twitch.

I was definitely putting the server URL into OBS. Just to double check, I opened the command line window and tried to ping and tracert the server it gave me – to no avail. Something is up between my DNS resolution and their server farm.

I'll probably try and fool around with it at some other time, but now was not it.