in #dlive7 years ago

Hello Steemians!

It's been a day for me now, that I am still unable to livestream on @dlive. Same issue - unable to upload a thumbnail for the stream (and it's mandatory for streams to have thumbnails)

is there a limit to the duration of videos uploaded on @dtube?Besides that, is there a limit to the duration of videos uploaded on @dtube? I recorded some of my games today and they are about an hour each.. I tried uploading my video several times and the webpage always 'snap' before the upload is completed. Hence, the question -

I have tried contacting admins of both sites, but to no avail. No updated threads by admins either, so I am not sure if the sites are down for everyone or just for me..

Snap but they are unable to do so... Seriously. What. THE FUCK IS GOING ON >:(*P.S: Now I am facing the same issue with @dtube, in which I am requested to upload a


try taking your thumbnail into paint a saving it again, paint will usually compress the files size down to a usable level.