Daniel Sturridge's dog stolen: Former Liverpool striker offers £30k for return of his pet after it's stolen from his Los Angeles house | Goal.com

in #dlike6 years ago

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It has been so so so tough and i am crashing so so so fast. This me in a short break, after a whole 24 hours of 1 'hour productivity'. It is 4.19 am and i am still up pushing.

Unlike planned, i am deciding to do a short post involving some sports. The original plan was to publish a post covering an aspect of the Teardrops colorlesspaper but till now (4.26 am), i am still pushing 'so hard' to complete it.

My body is broken but my 'being' won't stop and how can i stop when 'my dad wails' and i crash fast.

I am still working on the colorlesspaper for the teardrops and try hard to complete it. It needs a special kind of inspiration which i have practically had to force out. It is very hard to have just the 'right inspiration' needed for Teardrops in the midst of 247 excruciating pain and years of no-sleep.

On the side, i am thinking of how to 'save the day' and i am drafting the model for two-side projects. I have to act very fast.

I saw this post about Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge offering up 30k pounds for the return of his stolen-dog and i am trying to use it to draw some inspiration it. I am currently writing about the paradigms behind the Teardrops enterprise model and touching of an aspect of the world that needs adjustment; the aspect of returning 'value' to human.

In the world of today, even cute puppies are beginning to garner more 'value' than humans and the Teardrops aims to bring about 'beautiful disruption' in this regard.

Anyway, i am using DLIKE so that you can read the entire article. It also links to a series of instagram videos, whereupon Sturridge airs his pain.

"Former Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge has been the victim of a robbery at his house in Los Angeles and has appealed on social media for the return of his dog". Goal.com

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That’s just terrible... of all the things you could take from someone. They took something irreplaceable to that man. Absolutely horrible. :’(

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I really hope he finds the dog, he looks so concerned and devastated in that short video...

Human Beings and Dogs and humans find most loyal and loving friend in them.@surpassinggoogle, In my opinion there is an great connection between

Hope that your efforts will be blessed by Almighty. Stay blessed brother and blessings of light is with you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Bro you havent joined the pod

Brother i had a doubt and highlighted the same in comment section on Whaleshares when you first informed me about it. My doubt was, i don't have liquid Whaleshares because everything comes in Power when it comes to Whaleshares then how to get liquid Whaleshares then?

Thank you so much.

Posted using Partiko Android

Getting it is a hurdle. You can pass it. I didnt have liquid wls either to create the pod. I found it

True brother. Thank you so much for the message. Stay blessed and blessings of light is with you.

Posted using Partiko Android

ULOGS POD but i am getting the below error brother.@surpassinggoogle, I am trying to join the

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Hey! Been a while. Trust you are good

I am doing great. Thank you so much for asking and hope that you are having blessed life. Stay blessed.

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I feel sad for Daniel. If it's a thing like car, he would have mind searching and offer a bounty. But since he love his dog so much, he is willing to the extra mile to find his dog. I hope this end well for them.

Thanks for sharing

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

wow... To be ready to pay 30k pounds to get a lost dog back sure shows how much he loves the dog.

I have a dog Also, can't think of loding him....... But honestly... If he got lost or stolen - whatever will be will be. Haha

Just saying

But Big brother Terry.... You really do need to rest. Honestly... If I worked as hard as you this past years, I'd take a long vacation.

Stay healthy bro

that dog is really cute. i hope he get it back.

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

I have read the post. I know the point from you was different and about the Value. But steal a dog sucks anyway.

Im sorry, you feel i dont read it.

That was a sad story.
Yow terry @surpassinggoogle check out my articles here in sportstalk social. I'm from the Philippines. 👌

If you are from the Philippines get certified.

That's a huge amount to save his pet. I hope he will find it.

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

Yep, I understand the whole point of your post conveying the true value of human over a puppy or anything, but I chose to look at it on a different perspective. Any person will do anything to solve his problems because it gives him a little pride if he/she achieves it just like how you express well your passion to the community and the one that you're already building.

A very nice looking dog.

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

Hey Terry, thanks for sharing the article. Hope you got some well needed sleep. Remember to sleep and let me know if I can help in some way.

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Thank you alot for reading and caring.

Dear you!

First off, I am finally on here. Secondly, you keep staying strong as you have been doing.

Lastly, I feel his pain and hope the dog is found

An interesting review @surpassinggoogle and I hope that this beautiful puppy will return to its owner!

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

my god ... losing a dog is horrible! we hope you find it again soon! a player's stability can be influenced by events like this

Man's best companion, i ll definitely do anything to get back ma best friend too

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

I hope his dog is OK. They could of stolen anything from his house which would come to alot more than 30k

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

Would of been nice if I could understand anything other that your caption and what the teardrop even is. I did read your post and but my grandmother always told me if you have nothing good to say don’t say anything. So instead I just commented on the misleading caption and the Daniel Strurridge story you added in at the end . I hope you got some sleep since then . Get yourself some pizza now and don’t be bold 😉

poor lad :(

Would have been nice if you read the post. The post wasnt only about daniel or his dog

I actually did. Only this one though, I haven't seen the instagram photos etc. I still feel sad for him, and also the character in the story.

Funny enough John wick was trending the whole time on twitter and never got the whole storyline, quite said for Daniel
wondering what the thief would do with the dog.!

to be fair that is one sweet dog

30k pounds for the return for of a dog that is worth 138,280,871.40 Ugandan Shilling. that amount can pay more than 300 people in Uganda. When you get that as a salary per month in Uganda the news will be talking about you.

can buy a home in Kapala. but someone used it just to find a dog, hem most be his best friend.

I remember our dogs were killed but we hard nothing to do about that person.

let just continue working hard. may I will one day afford this too.

Hi @surpassinggoogle i would like to find that pet hehehe, a pet is like a kid so i hope he can find it. Regards

Ouch Terry! Don't push yourself too hard, the body needs its rest!

I feel for the guy, losing a pet in any way shape or form is a heartbreaking experience. Hope he gets it back.

That is so sad! Hopefully he gets him back! Where I live people leave their pets and move! 😢

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