Portfolio 2016 – Christina Bothwell

in #dlike6 years ago


Recently I am so drawn to sculptures made out of glass, to sculptures which have a mysterious and dark quality without being simple or stagy. Enter Christina Bothwell. I love her work. She combines stone and glass to create translucent figurines which remind of death and afterlife. Sculptures which seem to glow from the inside but also are heavy with deathweight stone. Crumbling, rotten and vulnerable on the one side, light, airy and eternal on the other.

What do you think? 

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I can see why they appeal to you, I think they explore some similar themes to your work. I like the elegance of some of them, and angel landing is lovely (that is one I would buy), but I don't like those little children, they are definitely dark side and ominous - perhaps the stuff of fairy stories?

Yes it is the combination of something ethereal and dark I so like. I followed her last week on instagram and right now her complete workspace with kiln, artworks and everything burned down. So shocking and sad... absolutely unbelievable. I so hope she can recover from this, I do not want to imagine something like this (all art destroyed... oh Gott!!!)

Yes! Love that style. Its always nice when you discover an artist that you can really connect with.

Check out these glass sculptors that you may also like:

Karen LaMonte

She makes eerie sculptures that seem to float. Ghostly, creepy and highly detailed. She also works with other materials like bronze and stone.

David Reekie

Im a big fan of his work. He makes weird, cartoonish but always slightly disconcerting sculptures. The faces are almost caricatures, often contorted into painful grins. They get creepier the more I look at them!

Jamie Guerrero

Does some cool stuff with glass and clay. Really cool to see how broad his influences are. You will see elements from cultures around the world. Plus they are often a little disconcerting.

Hope you enjoy these recommendations!

Wow!!! Thank you for the recommandations. I always love to hear from new (or for me unknown artists) For me the idea of glass and art is a newer one, I just recently started myself to explore clay as an aritstic medium and so I also started to research artist working with clay, stone or similar material. (Beforehand I was more interested in painting or in performances, sculptures never where my main interest)
Thank you so much for the hints. I will research the artists

Thank you for highlighting this artist, @neumannsalva. I hadn't seen this sort of work before. It was hard to choose one, but I think my favourite was 'Happy ever after' because it combined that translucent quality with the images inside the images and it was about nature too...

Happy you found it interesting. I also think she has a unique way of combinging materials, to arouse conflicting emotions and connotations. I cannot decide which work I love most...:-D
As I wrote above to @shanibeer, sadly her complete workspace was destoyed by a big fire. A terrible desaster...so sad

These objects have a kind of otherworldly aspect, very impressive.

Ja das finde ich auch... Ich habe eine Skulptur von ihr gesehen mit einer liegenden Person aus Stein aus der sich wie ein Gestein eine zweite Statue aus Glas erhebt. Leider finde ich sie nicht mehr, aber ich fand sie ganz großartig. Ganz furchtbar ist jedoch, dass ihr Studio inklusive Kunstwerke und Öfen vor wenigen Wochen abgebrannt ist… Unvorstellbar.