Unexpected Toothpaste

in #diy7 years ago

Believe it or not if the toothpaste can be used for other things, in addition to cleaning teeth?

This time @Creatips will give you tips on using toothpaste on something unexpected, which is certainly very useful and will make your life easier to do something.

Let's Do These Tips!

  • You have shoes that look worn out? with toothpaste, you can make your shoes look like new again, by applying toothpaste to shoes, then rub gently using a brush, and rinse.

  • If you have a little sister at home and she often draws on the walls using crayons, don't worry, you don't need to repaint your walls, the scribble can be lost by using toothpaste. Apply toothpaste on the dirty part of the wall and add a little water and rub until the scribble disappears.

  • We often forget to use a glass bottom on wooden furnishings, and that results in water marks on wooden furnishings, with toothpaste, you can remove the water marks from your furniture by applying the toothpaste on it, then rubbing it with a soft cloth.

  • Your mobile screen looks ugly with scratches? don't worry, with toothpaste you can remove the small scratches from your mobile screen, by applying toothpaste on your mobile screen, then wipe with a clean cloth.

  • Scratches on the CD or DVD sometimes make these objects can not function properly. Toothpaste can be used to remove scratches on CD or DVD. First clean the CD or DVD of the fibers and dirt by rinsing it using running water. Then dry with a soft cloth. Then apply toothpaste by using a cotton bud or cloth, gently rub on the scratched part. When you feel the scratch marks have faded, rinse with water and wipe gently.

  • You have jewelry made of silver and it looks worn out? with toothpaste you don't need expensive treatment, by applying toothpaste on the surface of the jewelry then rub with a toothbrush, and voala.. your jewelry will glossy again as new.

  • Toothpaste can clean the stains on the carpet that is often caused by food, beverages, paints, and much more, by rubbing toothpaste with a toothbrush on the affected part of the stain, rinse with water, and repeat again until the stain disappears completely.

  • Toothpaste can also clean the ink stains and lipstick on the cloth, these two stains sometimes annoying because it is very difficult to remove, right ? you just apply toothpaste on the affected part of the stain, then brush slowly, if the stain becomes faded then repeat until the stain looks faded.

  • Your glasses are often dewy? by applying toothpaste on the glasses, then wipe with a dry cloth, then your glass will not dew again.

  • You have a dirty iron plate that makes your clothes dirty too? do not worry, by applying toothpaste on the iron plate and cleaning it with a cloth, then your iron will come back clean as new and don't worry your clothes not dirty anymore.

Toothpaste is very useful, right?

Thank You

Image Source: 1,2,3,4


You can also use it for ache! Nicest tips!

Yeah, that's right @is-educator

Toothpaste is god gift 😂😂