I have made a friend in the Canary Islands, who is very similar to me, we are not close but we can talk openly. That's great!
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I have made a friend in the Canary Islands, who is very similar to me, we are not close but we can talk openly. That's great!
Always good to find a kindred spirit! I'm sure your new country location you'll find soon, will have another.
Merry Christmas, and be blessed!
I'm sure it will, similar energies meet.
True, and GOD watches over us all, so we'll be fine! I'm sure he'll lead you to where he wants you to go....
I know, and I will go where he takes me.
His still small voice is the best navigator ever! He will bless you....
I know, I'm calm in that sense, I just let him guide me.
It's nice to know we have such fantastic help!