No More Hair Loss!

in #diy8 years ago

I don't know about you but I've been noticing that when I brush my hair, I feel like the brush ends up having more hair on it that I do!

If you can agree then you know the ache you get in your stomach. Like if this happens every time I brush my hair, what will I be left with?!

However we all know that cells divide and multiple fast enough where we could never actually brush all of our hair out in like a day...unless you did something extreme!

With that being said I still don't want so much hair coming out onto my brush! I need my hair to be as thick and long as possible!

EVERYWHERE you go online there are lists on top of lists of 100 ways to strengthen your hair or 250 oils to try on your hair... First off who has the time to try 250 different oils let alone spend the money?! Not this girl...

Here is an AMAZING tip I have come across that truly does make a difference.

For your hair to be more dense and thicker and NOT come out on your brush use pumpkin oil and peppermint oil.
Now I know what you're thinking. This is like all the other RANDOM things you've tried before. Seriously it's not. I have tried everything from expensive hair products to putting eggs and mayo on my hair.(sick) This by FAR is the best easiest quickest remedy I've ever tried!

Here's why....

The pumpkin seed and peppermint oils are so RICH in omega 3's and 6's as well as vitamin k, vitamin a, vitamin e, magnesium, and zinc! These "ingredients" are what keeps your hair healthy and strong! Thus no more brushing all of your hair out. The best part about using pumpkin seed and peppermint oil mixture is it's also insanely great for your scalp.
Your scalp is where your hair grows from, so of course happy scalp, happy hair!
Plus it smells really good.

First you're going to want to mix about two parts pumpkin seed oil to one part peppermint oil. Next you're going to want to warm the mixture up. The heat will penetrate the scalp easier and faster making your results that much better.
After warming the mixture dip a hair coloring brush or your finger tips into it and MASSAGE it onto your scalp. Not only does this feel literally AMAZING but it also helps get the mixture reach deep into the tissue of the scalp and somewhat exfoliates it as well. Exfoliating the dead dry skin off of your scalp opens up the pores that may have been clogged before, giving you more life for more hair on your head!
Once your scalp is completely cover with the two oils tie the rest of your hair up in a ponytail or bun and sleep on it. You can put your hair in a hair wrap if you'd like so the mix doesn't mess up your pillow. I usually would just sleep on a silky pillow case specifically for my hair treatment nights!
(It's really that easy! Plus you can find both oils are any health food store or even your grocery store for a really good price!)
You can do this treatment once a week or every single day. Whatever is easier for your schedule. Honestly putting these vitamins on your hair at all will show you results eventually, it's like walking on a treadmill.. As long as your out and walking it's better than sitting on your couch doing nothing.

So try it out and tell me what you think!
Did you Love it and the results?
Was it easy?
Anything and everything you discovered is welcome!
P.s I would add pictures but I am so new at this I am unsure how. But to check out before and after pictures look up farahdhukai on Instagram. She's amazing and was the person who inspired me to try this!


I'm going to try it!

Awesome! Good luck, I hope you fall in love as much as I did!!!