Chiromancy is one of the ways to foretelling the future.
Features of palm lines tell us about a person and her future:
Line of Heart(it begins under the smallest finger):
long- person is guided by emotions
split- loyalty, heart nobility, constant in emotions
thick- sensibillity, emotionality
short- feeling small amount of emotions, it might be caused by some situation in somoene's life
thin- cold person, bad at showing any emotions
slurred- emotional issues
Line of Head(it starts under indicative finger):
long and curved down- originative talent, big imagination
bifurcated- all-embracing interests
separate from life line- big courage, risky
short- problem with concentration, small imagination
Line of Life:
thin- health problems may occure in the future
long arc- generosity, honesty, big heart
long and visible line- great health, long life
short- enormous life energy, danger of getting a major illness but it is not linked to life lenght
Line of Destiny(Saturn):
long- happy life, good luck, good health
short- hard but happy life
thick- simple life
wavy- lack of stabilization in life
Line of Sun(Apollo):
long- big intelligence, mental harmony
lack of this line- mentally poor, trivial
barely visible- little amount of success in life, danger for health
thick- nervous, haste
short- successful life
wavy- lack of taste, changes of fate
Line of Health(Mercury):
if it occures it means that a person is manipulative
Line of Intuition:
lack of this line- lack of intuition
long- big imagination, intuition and persistence
short- good prognosis, a lot of capabilities
thick- too big imagination, lack of courage in action
barely visible- refinement, mediation abilities