Remember It Didn't Start With Gas Chambers

WATCH: Divide & Conquer On Full Display as Police Let Fascist Groups Battle Each Other in Portland

Portland, OR – Trump supporters and antifa protestors squared off against one another in violent altercations over the weekend during competing protests which lead to three arrests.

Self-proclaimed anti-fascists, who ironically use violence against those they disagree with, and members of the conservative Patriot Prayer group, who also appeared to be unafraid of using violence, engaged in combat with one another as pepper spray filled the protest area of Waterfront park on Sunday afternoon.

The dueling protests began early Sunday afternoon, with the antifa members chanting “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA,” while the Patriot Prayer group forwarding an agenda of “freedom and tolerance for people who think differently,” and also, “USA! USA! USA!”

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Veme By: The Free Thought Project

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isn't that like every weekend in Portland?

if in view of the causal the clash or chaos United States is caused by the leadership of the Trump selfish and hard, could not be interesting people his as President, Trump too anarchist in decision making.

nah, this was happening on the weekends in Portland well before Trump.

The situation is rather unfortunate, using violence to put an end to a problem will even create more problems.