In the past few days there has been some recent developments in the cryptoshpere that has gained tremendous attention and this is the introduction of the Libra coin. While some are of the opinion that it would either exterminate banks faster it force them to evolve hence making a better alternative, some other persons think it ridicules the core concept behind CRYPTOCURRENCY and DECENTRALISATION
The Divi Wallet has quite a number of ways to manage money, like actually protecting your transactions more securely by requiring the receiver to confirm a code for verification. It will possess features that would enable users to save, share, collect and track income taxes. The Vaulting features allows money to be stored on the blockchain in a way that nobody, not even yourself, can remove it until a predetermined date, which is more secure than brick-and-mortar banks, and also good for long-term savings, such as college funds. With over two billion people in the world who don’t have a bank account, there’s a great opportunity for the services Divi can offer in this aspect of the finance word.
DIVI currently trades on these exchanges
I have zero interest in libra but I love Divi!