Where My Strange Disease M.B.S Finally Got Remedy: Thank You Steemit.

in #disease7 years ago (edited)


Diseases And My Strange Disease

Ailing is a normal occurrance in animals especially people. Disease is caused by germs. Germs are everywhere.

There are germs in our environment. They are found in air, our food and water.

Germs may be viruses, bacteria, or fungi or viroids are all Disease Causing Germs(D.C.G). Yet none of these micro-organisms caused my disease.

My disease Malfunctional Blogging Syndrome (MBS) had eaten my whole body and nothing doctors could do could save me. I was dying a slow death.


Symptoms Of An MBS patient

There are many symptoms of this disease. Unless one was very observant you could easily not notice the symptoms.

  • One is fidgetry and often jumps from site to site.

Settling down is normally hard for a person with this disease. They often wander the internet in search of blogging sites. Often they are deleted from some sites or the sites often go under. The patients never tire.

  • MBS patients have posts spread all over the internet. Search Engines know them and have a track of all their movements.

  • MBS patients often open every other link with an anticipation it is another blogging site. Their fingers are numb with typing on computer keys. If you observe their eyes properly, you will notice fatigue written all over.

  • MBS patients do not discriminate. They work for months just to make $5. They are paid peanuts and they are no better to slaves.

  • MBS patients value their pay and are always ready to show their payment proof. However, small the pay, they advertise it to others.

Steemit images

How The Disease Got Cured

Dr. Steemit understood this disease very well. He analyzed and came up with an everlasting cure. It was embedded in a blockchain. It cured all those symptoms. Now am left with none of those symptoms.

Well done steemit

Keep up steemit

Long life steemit

Live long

Cure all these ailments

You are a doctor.



great work bro

Nicely done brians

Thank you. It is a matter of creative writing

Nicely write. Cute.

Very nice dear. Thank you

First time I am hearing of this disease. I am happy Dr. steemit helped.

Yeah. He is a physician

Steemit will surely help a lot of people

True that

Thanks for sharing brains!