Check the white space at the top of the post - what about replacing it with a big "" logo inviting people to post from the discutio front-end. In addition, maybe investigating the "comment_options" transaction or some other features of the blockchain to see how you can gently steer the discussion toward your front-end somehow ...
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We want to discussions/polls looks natural. In first step we deleted "Background" header in post. Btw. our front-end is using comments_options. Maybe do you have any idea how we can promote our app by blockchain features?
I would target people who like and participate in debates and avoid over-emphasizing the blockchain back-end. I'd focus on front-end features such as an easy on-boarding and an engaging experience - e-mail notifications for selected topics, questions asked directly to people based on their past interests, etc.
The key is to bring in people from ouside the crypto and blockchain sphere and show them the benefits of blockchain -based implementations but in a natural, non intrusive way
Sounds good but we're using Steem blockchain and this is a problem for non-blockchain person.