What block did you join on and what was your first operation?

in #discussion4 years ago
Authored by @themarkymark

This is the short form account of @themarkymark, so I will use the block I joined with as @themarkymark.

Block: 13,303,288
33 transactions in this block, produced at 2017-07-01 13:28:51 (UTC)


My first operation was to follow @quickfingersluc

If you need help finding your creation block, go to hiveblocks.com/@YOURUSERNAME and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the highest number in the pagination to go to your first page and scroll to the bottom.

Find your creation block and click the transaction hash.

From there you can find all the details about your account creation.

You can also click the block number above to find what else happened on your first block.



Account creation: 3,996,797
First post: 3,997,825
I should go back to those early posts and make sure the images are all properly attributed or Creative Commons licensed. I'm sure I was a bit lax back then while I was learning the ropes.

Man I didn't know what was going on when I first got here. Might even say I still don't.

My account was created by a PoW in a block 2794856
at 2016-06-30 17:22:21 (UTC), which was also my first transaction and the only transaction included in that block. Block was signed by @complexring. Apparently such sparse block wasn't something unusual at that time. Four preceding blocks were empty. My first upvote went to @pfunk for one of his great tutorials that actually helped me to start my journey here (setting up my first node, etc.)

Wow, I had no idea you got your start on one of my crappy tutorials! Hahaha well I'm glad they did some good, you've been one hell of an asset to Hive.

Wow, I would have expected you to have been here before him and be teaching him how to get a witness node up.

I really wish I was around during the beginning days. I feel like I missed so much, but I am not sure I would have given it the time of day being so uncertain in those days.

Others helped me a bit when I was getting my second start trying to mine. But nobody had posted anything comprehensive on-chain (@steemed had posted something that got me some of the way though).

My account was created in block 18,746,172 and my first operation was my #introduceyourself post in block 18,756,849 just a few hours later.

I remember writing a few productivity posts first and no one gave them a look so I did a few memes. I didn't do an introduce myself post for a week or two after I started posting.


Gee 12,500,816? - what have I been doing with my time here? 😂

My account was created on block 3,082,856 way back on July 10th 2016...a lot of stuff has happened since then.

The first operation I made was to vote on a post.

Included in block 19,241,335 at 2018-01-23 22:20:09 (UTC)
waited 2 weeks for my account and first thing i did was a post

My account was created in block 3,899,938. Just a little over 235K blocks later I voted on this post as my first operation on the chain.

My first transactions were finding PoW and my first other transaction on block 855,994 was to VEST some tokens. My first transaction external to my account was voting for @smooth.witness on block 861,735. Pretty sure I had no idea what voting for a witness meant at the time, but others were doing it so I wanted to see what it did. smooth seemed like a solid dude from his involvement in Monero and Aeon.

Account creation: 3,156,754
First post: 3,157,214
Shit! There's a mistake in the title! Now I find out.

I wonder who the earliest one is who's still around?

Nice to know that we can find out the exact birthdate and birthplace of our metaverse identities. This is proof of it, our birth certificate, if you will. I guess I should mint mine someday.

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Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (8/10)
