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RE: Is Facebook Dervived from DARPAs Lifelog Project?

in #discussion7 years ago

There shouldn't be any doubt that facebook is a military project posing as a civilian one. That Mark Cuckerberg is but a stooge ! And I don't think crypto and Steemit is any different either, but only time will tell. I got notified by other users that they are unable to upvote my posts and comments, so it seems there's some type of an acceptable trend, the authorities are trying to make us conform with. Basically keep your head low, talk about useless 'goyim' stuff and keep obsessed with games, memes and pornography, philosophy. NOT THAT IMPRESSIVE !!!


There are many differences between Facebook and Steemit. I should write an article explaining what I mean by that. Steemit is a response to Facebook. Steem seeks after transparency, free market competition in what Facebook was turning into a monopoly, a tech cartel tyranny, etc.