White House Unveils Outline of Plan

in #discussion6 years ago

to Merge Labor, Education Departments

  • The White House on Thursday announced its plan to merge the Departments of Labor and Education into a single Cabinet agency in order to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and streamline overlapping regulations and department functions

Trump is keeping another campaign promise. It's hard. The deepstate is fighting him tooth and nail, scorched earth policy, every step of the way. The DOJ and it's chaindog the FBI are doing it's best to bring him done. 95% of everything you are told about from the enemedia is hostile.

He and his family have received death threats from Hanoi Jane's Brothe...and other Hollyweird denizens.

It's a tough job.

  • in addition to combining the Labor and Education departments, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney said that he is interested in merging the Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Services into the Department of Health and Human Services, renaming it the Department of Health and Public Welfare

The Federal government 'employs' more people than all the manufacturing companies in the US combined. They don't do a damn thing productive. They could all be replaced by an answering machine.

The less of them the better.


After they "merge" I do hope that the DOE will be DOA.

ALL Government is loading. As such it is non productive, and should be done away with, across the board! >:(

Yup...I've stated many time.
Get rid of everything that is not specifically authorized by the Constitution.

We would sure be better off by a LOT! It would destroy a century of liberal feces too!


This is good news. Instead of abolishing the Department of Education, they are merging it and putting it where it should be. What is the point of the DOE if they are not educating people for the workforce?

Actually there is no point in the DOE.
It's done nothing but damage since it's inception.

Trump is keeping another campaign promise. It's hard. The deepstate is fighting him tooth and nail, scorched earth policy, every step of the way.

...Ain't that the truth!

I've never seen anything like this before (have you, you have more years under your belt - Nixon?)

Cutting government agencies - how's that for hurting the marxists...
Great news.

Ike warned us about the 'military industrial complex'

Exactly, and that was many decades ago...Even JFK gave it a go between bed hopping..

The internet has shifted everything though - in 'our ' favor. (for the first time ever..?)

what happened to JFK?

He got a headache, and shut up after that..

That's one way of putting it.

"President Trump campaigned and won with his promise to reduce the federal footprint in education and to make the federal government more efficient and effective. Today's bold reform proposal takes a big step toward fulfilling that promise," DeVos said in a statement. "Artificial barriers between education and workforce programs have existed for far too long. We must reform our 20th century federal agencies to meet the challenges of the 21st century."

Merge and then downsize. Next!

downsize until there isn't anything left.

I would love to see how each state would prosper (or fail) if most of the federal oversite was eliminated. But I guess combining a few federal bureaucracies could be a baby step in the right direction.

baby step is right.
I'd love to see the Federal government reduced to it's legal size as defined by the constitution.

The more departments that are 'consolidated' the better. It's the closest thing we'll ever see to the disbandment of a government agency. @ironshield

Perhaps...or maybe Trump is just getting started.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

While I appreciate much of what the President is trying to do, like drain the swamp, and it was historic meeting with the leaders of North Korea, my cynical side has a voice that can't always be silenced and shouldn't be.

Until I see some actual results, I will continue to see the merged department as,
"The Slave Labor and deEducation Department"

What kind of 'actual results' do you want?

Basically, I'd like to see government work 'for the people' rather than a bureaucracy that benefits the Civil Servants.

One area that would help millions of Americans. would be to pay farm labor overtime for anything over forty hours.

And, is the Department of Education actually making sure we have the best education system in the World? For years the US education system has been the most expensive in the World, while simultaneously ranking about 17th in the World -- is that effective?

I know my first comment was a bit 'smart alecky', and I meant know offense to the author, but like I said my cynical side is running hard today...

What you wish for is impossible.
it goes against human nature, and any time you bet against human nature you loose.
one example of immutable human nature is the Iron Law of Bureaucracy . If there is a government it will turn into a bureaucracy....

your comment on farm work...

Mechanization has replaced 95% of all farm workers SO FAR...and automation will get rid of 95% of those that remain...and that doesn't even consider food synthesis.

I'd not be a bit surprised to see farms vanish entirely.

If it's impossible to change the nature of bureaucracy, than why bother at all combining two into one, other than to make that bureaucracy smaller?

Why pay farm workers overtime? Because it's the right thing to do. I've worked in Farming and I know that most farmers take advantage of their workers by working them 80 hour plus a week at times. I also know if Farmers had to pay overtime they would hire enough people to get the job done with fewer hours per employee... i.e. it's cheaper to pay two employees 40 hours straight time, than it is to pay one 80 hours plus... although to be fair there is a trade off depending upon workmen's comp, and such, for each employee...

Will farming become total or even semi-automated, probably not soon.

I've driven GPS guided farm equipment, and on every field we have to also drive manually... not all farm fields are square and flat... especially in the area where we farm in the foot hills of the mountains, or the rolling hills to the north.

Right now it's still cheaper to hire a farm laborer, than it is to overcome the technological issues automation raises. One of the big issues with technology today is that many farm workers don't have a strong grasp of English, and some can't read any language well... Even fewer understand computers...

Most people really wouldn't be happy if farms disappeared completely, and I doubt they ever will.

why bother at all combining two into one, other than to make that bureaucracy smaller?
that's it....no other reason.

think what you want about farming...wish REALLY hard..
maybe, against all odds...this ONE TIME....it'll work.

Making government smaller is always a worthy goal... maybe, against all odds...this ONE TIME....it'll work.

As to farming, I guess you'd have to be there to understand... am I saying it will never happen? No, I'm sure someday, in another place and time far, far away it just may, but I doubt either of us will live to see farming become fully automated.

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Relevance: Less Government
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