Comes Around
Be careful what you ask for
McCaskill Attacked Opponent for Private Plane Use in 2004 Ad
You might get it.
Watchdog Group Calls for Senate Ethics Probe of McCaskill’s Private Plane Use
More than likely here behavior is NOT the exception....but the congress
Nancy Pelosi comes to mind
She had the Air Force fly her
Paul Ryan: Cabinet members' private air travel "doesn't look very good
I will sleep better tonight knowing these honorable, capable people are leading our great nation.
I will sleep good tonight because I am still armed.
I think I'll go with the latter.
I'm w/u sir!
The articles you linked to are obviously just evil, right wing(aka tax payers) propaganda. I remember Pelosi informing us that no further budget cuts were possible because the cupboards were bare. Plus if this waste and abuse of power were truly happening, the honorable, truth seeking journalist of the msm would have reported it to all of us.
honorable, truth seeking journalist of the msm
do such creatures exist?