While the News Media is Playing Checkers

a squirrel.
and the News Media fall for it.
Trump.. beating the news media
he diverts their attention to nonsense.
while he actually gets something done.
StockMarket At All Time High
Unemployment at Record Low
I love a roaring economy. It's doing well by me :)
Man, I'm from Bulgaria and this dude strikes fear in me. Like 4k miles away.
Why??? That’s ridiculous.
unless you dig deep and do your own due diligence
you only know what the news media tell you about him
they are his sworn enemy
would they tell the truth about him?
Of course they won’t tell the truth about him. As a kid I grew up in a Democrat household!but now! I will never understand the leftist socialist movement that has high jacked the party, and is why I have for better or worse switched party lines. The American way of life is for lack of better words; do it yourself, hardwok, dedication, and put your own blood sweat and tears into it; with that. You can achieve anything. He’s making America great one day at a time. Unlike the last entitlement presidency we had to endure.
if it were only true.
I've seen no evidence that the Republican party means what it says.
the republicans are basicly democrate lite.
It seems like no one has a damn backbone. They talked about things for soooo long, and now; no action. Lol ridiculous
The Rinos..er..I mean the republicans do NOT want to be in charge...they hate the responsibility. It's been damn near a year since Trump won..they control it ALL..the executive, both parties, and the supreme court..
what have they done?
THANK'S @everittdmickey
nice game, Chess games is breain game,
Trump thinks he is playing chess while Mao and friends play Go.
news flash
Mao is dead.
Xi aka Mao 2.0 they look the same ;)
All them chinee look alike huh?
More or less yea, Mao purebred them.
TRUMP 2020 ! ! !
he is the only president in my lifespan that has actually stepped up and did something.
my only complaint is how he does't like green energy and allowing the oil pipeline to go active.
Oil Pipelines are by far the safest method of moving oil.
why would you want something more dangerous?
guess you havn't heard the news... the pipeline he activated flooded a farm with oil this week.
nope..didn't hear it.
greenies sabotaged it huh?
Like this girl did?
the alternative would be something like
Train Carrying Oil Derails in Columbia River Gorge
or This
Louisiana tanker explosion on highway kills driver
Railroads and Trucks...driving down a road near you.
Hundreds of accidents a years.
Pipelines have a few (very well publicised) leaks a decade
which would you rather risk
id rather risk tankers in the ocean where it can easily be cleaned instead of in pipelines on farm fields where it destroys the land for decades beyond ability to clean. better yet start switching over to green systems like my home has.
Isn't fertilizer made from crude oil?
( Iwonder how much that farmer will be compensated? I wonder how much that field would pay him other wise in the next few years?)
Odd thing...I've never seen any oil tankers(ships) in Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis, Nashville, Amarillo, Lubbock, Flagstaff, or Denver.
Why is that?.
oh..that's right...no oceans nearby.
The pipelines take the crude oil TO the refineries. Most of which are on the Gulf Coast..where it is refined. THEN it is transported other places.
There is no ocean tanker OR pipeline...they serve different purposes.
it's pipeline OR railroad OR truck
and pipelines are the safest of the three.
If you don't have oil to power our civilization..what will happen then?
im not saying get rid of it. im saying transporting it in a pipeline is harmful because it can leak millions of gallons before it is even noticed. and no fertilizer isnt made from crude oil slag that is transported in pipelines. also the farmer wont get compensated enough for the loss of decades of income from spill. at best he will be paid todays price for land and have to sell thus giving up decades of future profit to support his family with. if it were in the ocean it can be cleaned as if never happened unlike on land. there is green energy systems that can power the world if people would just accept them. but no, most people consider them an eye sore so they deny them.
the stock market highs, and employment dropping to new lows, was happening on Obamas watch.
Manipulated statistics, that are a lie now, jut as they were then ...and why Trump is continuing to use them is beyond me, honestly.
this type of behaviour, is why I still worry we are being played by the establishment...
It seems counter intuitive to Trumps style of narrative...
Call out the lying media for what they are, but still perpetuating the lies of a strong economy? - it makes no sense..
Assuage my fears, sir....
I was doing rilly rilly good under bush.
the minute Obama was elected the business I was in crashed.
(hauling heavy equipment for coal mines0
a few years later I went bankrupt.
ouch! - coal mines and Obama don't mix...
business ( unless corrupt corporate pharma and the likes), and socialism don't mix.
Socialists hate success, it reminds them of how inept, and weak, they are.
That still doesn't assuage my fears of trumps owning the lies of the stock markets and employment stats, though...
cause and effect.
Trump got elected the economy began to improve.
it hasn't stopped yet.
Obama got elected and the opposite occurred..
it didn't stop until Trump kicked him out.
ispso facto presto chango.
(latin..so it must be true)
The economy isn't improving. Interst free money from the fed, to pump up share, bond and house prices is not improving anything...
the economy is not improving?
Thanksgiving sets record for online sales - CNET
Black Friday sales bonanza set to hit a record - BBC News - BBC.com
At $1 billion a day, online shopping has already set new record
I guess no one else but you got the memo
You realize how the unemployment figure are manipulated in the US system?
( obama implemented the new accounting changes- I think. - e.g 1 person has 3 part time jobs - that now shows as 3 people working one job each. Just an example).
You see it as you see it, mate, up to you.
(If you go any memo, it was sent from yellen, obama, bloomberg, and clinton... lol)
Time will tell who sees it correctly....
It won't be a grey area - I think the whole thing is a con.
And the collapse will be vicious..
(1929 is happy holidays time, in comparison)
( x22 financial reports - a decent source of economic information, i think)
ALL the unemployment stats are twisted to suit.
Trump hasn't changed them, but happy to use the same fake accounting, system and claims the accolade- it will blow up in His face, is what I'm saying...
chump is playing chess alright - catch is he is one of the pieces, not one of the players!
ah..so YOU are the mastermind behind everything?
otherwise how would you know?
Yes I am the all seeing eye!
that means your rich.
how bout donating some money to a worthy cause.
I forgot to mention - I have set you up with a shot at greatness!