
so that means you have to work
to get to that Ten Percent.
work at a loss
make up for it with

Im not sure volume of posts is good advice to give people. I unfollow people each day who flood my feed, especially with non-purposeful posts. High quality original content is the only surefire way to success in any path!
that's your right to do so.
some peoples trash is other peoples treasure
'bots LOVE spam.
as long as we have 'bots we'll have spam.
or quality, I always enjoy your posting @everittdmickey
I believe that this can be considered a general rule; all jobs requires a lot of research, a lot of follow-up ... and in order to reach a conclusion or decision, many times is only necessary a very low percentage of the time or low percentage of the any other resource. I have worked in projects that I have had a high percentage of lost time or lost work, while I an using my skills for find my principal objective. For those who work actively in the capital market and cryptocurrency market can not be neglected, They must "sleep with one eye open." Greetings
this is so true!! i dont have lots of upvotes for all the blogs i posted but i try my best to make up for it by posting every now and then.. this post makes me wanna post even more hahaha... as they say "Slowly but surely"
Nice post. The GIF cracked me up a little; just steemit and sleep, no food?😁😮
the wife brings my food to me..
I eat in front of the computer.
I agree with the work ethic expressed. Any suggestions on effectively building a following?
I've heard it said that less is more; you are in my not so humble opinion the "distinctive" exception; the reasons are, wide variety, high quality and originality...the intangible 1% of that 10%.
thank you.
I think that short animation describes the routine I'm finding myself going into. Although willingly, as I think I'm finally heading into posts and an area that I can finally give back to the prepping community something as valuable as I've received.
I've been doing that since August of 2016
I imagine I've AVERAGED 10 hours a day on Steemit.
That is many hours, hope you take a little break every hour :-) but you can see the result in your Rep. It's been great to see it go up. Are you going to ease back on the pedal?
haha very true... Nice share. cheers!
all time steemit control 😁😁
When your buzzing and in the groove, writing on steem is a pleasure.
And when your not - you keep hitting the keys (or doing research), anyway!
true.. you might as well use your time on the internet in a productive way
#accurate lol
What advise would u give a college student that is trying to balance steemit and studies.. I'm sure it won't be this 😑
why are you going to college?
I want to be a Marine engineer..
STEM...a worthwhile goal.
as part of your training you are or will be exposed to 'project management"
does that answer your question?
Ok. Looking forward to that
So you mean that since 90% of my output is crap, all I have to do is write only the 10% that isn't and I can be just as successful...........or?
90% of everyone's out put is crap..
but the only way to tell the crap from the not crap is to write them both
...and YOU
(or me...or any author)
won't be able to tell the difference.
Only the Market Knows..
the market is never wrong.
The "secret" to better post editing on Steemit

Perfectly stated! Work required on Steemit! Thank You for sharing!
Buen post amigo, saludos Dr tu amigo @juan24
Meanwhile the days and nights flicker past outside like the strobe light in an epileptic's nightmare.
How did time get so sped up?
time lapse photography.
well I am newbie. but I think that it When a person starts. Because if a person writes 50 post at least one get much likes.