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RE: Do Cryptocurrency Speculators Fear Utility?

in #discussion8 years ago

Steemit was a GateWayCrypto for me. If not for Steemit there was zero chance that I would be involved in Crypto. Zero disposable income is like that. Steemit is 'found money'. I can use what I make here to do things I'd never consider my boat.

One other thing.

Robots and Automation. Automation is expected to eliminate most jobs in the near future. Steemit is an example of what can be done to provide income for the jobless.


Exactly right. I dunno if Universal Basic Income was the idea behind Steemit but it seems to be working out that way. The gubermnet (all of them) are stupid..lookit history. They are REActive. They're not the least bit ProActive. In other words they wait for the Hurricane to blow the town away then start thinking about what needs to be done...after everyone dies.

Same thing with automation.