Public Education is

in #discussion7 years ago

NOT FAIR to women

  • ....women have earned a majority of bachelor’s degrees for the last 36 years starting in 1982. Not shown here, but women previously earned a majority of associate’s degrees starting in 1978 and a majority of master’s degrees starting in 1981. By 2006, women earned a majority of doctoral degrees and the “takeover” of higher education by women was complete for degrees at all levels! But instead of declaring “victory” and moving on, many women are still claiming “victim status” in higher education with the need for special gender preferences in the form of funding, scholarships, centers, commissions, fellowships, awards, programs, and initiatives that are only available for women, or are primarily for women.

Ever noticed the ever growing amount of lousy degrees available (increasing amount of Liberal Arts degrees) and lower admission requirements? Look at some quality STEM programs, the sex ratios are different. Men should start going to university to find a desirable mate.

It worked for me!

Thats about the last place id look for a mate at. Not that id risk mating at all in this day and age.

Yup, good luck getting a scholarship of you are one of those evil vile cisgender straight white men, any assistance you could receive would be racist, sexist and anti gay.

Would scholarships for men be worse than scholarships for bihet women who sleep with the enemy though?

Pesky facts....

It is not fair to expose this information to the left - they just can't cope!

yup...I've noticed that lots of people have problems with pesky facts.

Me too! lol

FAIR. The word just makes you feel good. Too bad those DEMANDING fairness don't have to share the cost of their idea of FAIR. It's only fair if BOTH parties agree it's fair.

Oh they will have to share the costs. Heres whats going to happen rather soon: People in the business of hirering people will be held responsible by their shareholders if they ever hire a woman. And the shareholders have every right to demand you avoid risks and it is just much more preferable to risk being found to discriminate in hirering than risking to be visited by #MeToo.

Relevance: Marxists Always Want
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

What of Master's degrees?

I remember a day when girls I knew went to college primarily to get a "mrs." degree. Beats the hell out of a bar.

But! Maths are still hard!
We need to remove that evil patriarchy from our universities!

I feel that soon some new STEM only colleges are going to sprout up.
They won't be "male only", that would be illegal, but they will have strict assessment tests. Tests in written and physical form.

Tests like hang some drywall or change the oil should weed out the wheat from the chaff.