or is it fiction?
I was in an argument...er...a discussion (yeah..that's it...a discussion) recently with a Steemer and I posed the question.
(hint: it's a loaded question)
He fell for it like a ton of bricks. Oddly enough he would not directly answer it thought but he was VERY upset when I said that Reason is Fiction. (I've since revised my opinion...stay tuned).
Reason is his sacred cow. How DARE I question it? That effectively ended the discussion..rather than use his holy reason he resorted to ridicule.
Kinda sad...he has some potential I think..
So...is Reason Fiction or is it Fact?
It's certainly not fact. BUT...he presupposed that there was a binary solution.( I told you it was rigged.) He discounted other possibilities. His mind was stuck in the box. Very few people in my observation have the capacity or the desire to think outside of the box.
I've thought about it some...and NO...Reason is not fact...nor is it fiction.
I think the word I'm looking for is PROCESS.
Reason is a process by which we attempt to understand the world.
The problem's are many...most people fall prey to logical fallacies..which is NOT reasonable..
and even IF..their logic is impeccable...what about their premises?

and that's the whole point. Your reasoning can be right...and your answer can be WRONG.
"Reason" is in between Fact and Fiction.
It equally balances and compliments both, no sides...
it's neither.
it's a process that USES facts in attempt to understand reality.
most of the time it fails.
see logical fallacies
Well sure it is process towards FACT or FICTION...
I think so..yup.
but it's not exactly.
it's a process FROM facts (assertions, axioms, data, observations.. etc) TOWARD a more clear understanding of reality..(theories)
(unless you write fiction...like I do..but I want it to be believable)
@everittdmickey I hear you man...
The day NO one questions "it" there will be NO doubt!
always question EVERYTHING.

you are right, your reasoning can be right...and your answer can be WRONG.
Is reason... Reason for what? or the word reason itself?
By the way: my answer would be "Closer to fact, but not a fact."
Even as someone who looks for reasons (or the intent for doing things) more than answers (the end result), I agree.