60% of Democrats feel that the government is to blame

in #discussion7 years ago

for enforcing the law.


Then why do the dhmikrats keep making so many laws?
Obama's 'pen and phone' comes to mind.



It's no coincidence the left want more law's.

More laws more criminals- and the more criminals, the more control..


It'll remain that way as long as they don't have control

why are they tolerated?

Your guess is as good as mine

If you ask a typical American what are the three branches of our government few will know. Given that they also don't know which of the branches is the most powerful. Few people know that the congress is the most powerful, by far. You would not think so seeing how feckless they have been for so many years.

If I recall the intent was that the three branches were supposed to provide 'checks and balances'.
That would imply that none were more powerful than the other.

The congress can remove anyone from office including the president and supreme court justices. Impeachment in the house and conviction in the senate. Section 2 article 5 for house to impeach and section 3 articles 6 and 7 for conviction and removal from office. They cannot indict, just remove from office.

the house indicts (impeachment)
the senate convicts...or not.

Hopefully we'll see it used soon to take out the FBI and DOJ trash.

hope springs infernal.
history infers it's not gonna happen.

I guess it's just the way of the world , certain group of people would and could do anything just to stay relevant , or impress people. Once theirs nothing the stay relevant they create a false mirage ,all lies.

yeah..nothing you can do.
have a drink
watch Jerry Springfield.

It's said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Our government creates a problem and the people call for the government to fix the problem. The government passes new laws and the problem gets worse. So the people re-elect the same people to fix the same problem they made worse over and over. So I ask, are most people insane by definition or just stupid?