no such thing as Global Warming.
The Sea Level is going DOWN
because the amount of ice on the poles is increasing.
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Not only has Antarctic sea ice not changed, but land based ice is expanding according to NASA study.
Global Cooling: Arctic Ice Cap Grows 60 Percent In A Year
Greenland Ice Mass Increases To Near Record
that's where the water from the decreasing sea level is going.
The crowd that wants to hide behind environmentalism, but in reality are staging an attack on capitalism are flexible.
If it starts to cool down, they will change climate change to global cooling, which will best be solved, just like global warming, with a single global government.
It pisses me off that so many sheeple fall for such a pathetic and obvious attack on capitalism.
The motives of the global warming crowd (or global cooling as the case may be), are very very very thinly disguised.
Extreme socialists.
doesn't matter if it get's hot or cold
not a thing we can do about it.
all we can do is improvise, adapt and overcome
or not.
local government is stupid..state government is stupider...national government are more stupid YET.
World Government would be the StupidEST.
they'd be busy doing study after study and raising takes to pay for them instead of doing something useful if it were possible.
which it's not.
it's up to every individual to make their own preparations
and sink or swim.
While I agree with the basic premise of your comment regarding corruption and bureaucratic nonsense ("doing study after study and raising taxes to pay for them instead of doing something useful"), don't you think some preparations are best done by cooperating with other groups (nations)?
Individual actions by people who lack important facts can be counterproductive.
A simplistic example:
A dike to reduce flood damage made of reinforced concrete is designed by a team of experienced civil engineers residing in county A, but upstream county B decides to save money by hiring local gardeners who use plain cement ("good enough!" they say).
County B's leaders might brag that their dike is better because it is taller and cheaper, but when a massive flood hits, their dike will break and wind up causing severe damage to County A that had a properly reinforced dike.
"it's up to every individual to make their own preparations and sink or swim."
I don't know about that: cooperating with reasonable, likeminded people is probably better than going it alone.
A feasibility study can have a cutoff point and be carried out with a strictly limited one-time budget not controlled by corrupt politicians.
Like you said. You presented a simplistic argument...never happen.
the more likely event is that government will contract out the job to a union operator.
who will skimp on materials to make a higher profit and make an inferior product.
It happens all the time.
Individuals won't put up with that kind of nonsense.
Maybe we're back in the 70s again, when it was called another ice age?
the cold in the seventies is because of the Mt. Penetumbo eruption. It spewed a LOT of particulate matter into the upper atmosphere. It shaded the earth. That was a short term thing.
This is due to other factors.
the Quiet Sun comes to mind
no sunspots...for a very long time.
the sun isn't heating the earth as much as it once was.
I'll just come out and say it. Climate change, global warming, are just terms used in an attempt to jack up taxes. Raise the cost of living for being human.
it's a scam.
It’s climate change now remember. 😜 so they are covered on all sides. Dah ha ha what a crock!!
It's the polar bears I feel sorry for, tbh, - they don't know whether to double up on the fur, or get the suntan lotion , the poor things
For the first time in human history, the Arctic Sea is navigable by ship, and it doesn't require an ice breaker escort.
But, global warming is hoax ... SMH
Human history isn't that long in the concept of time and the history of the planet, to be honest...
Can you give me links to the earliest scientific data to substantiate such a massive claim that you just stated?????
I'd love to see it...
thanks a lot.
We may not have actual records of ice-free sailing in the Arctic in human history, until now.
ok - but making crazy statements like - 'For the first time in human history', just automatically invalidates your position a bit, mate.
And I agree, humans haven't been here very long, in the long view of the Earth's history. However, our impact has been significant - both good and bad.
I agree - pollution especially.
Climate effects not so much.
We're a strange species. So intelligent, yet so dumb! :-)
There is proof (science) that humans have altered the climate to the point where we may not survive what is to come.
Using data from Climate Depot ? Oy.