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RE: Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Israel

in #discussion7 years ago

You don't need to be an expert to know that Isreal is fucking garbage. She knows what's going on to the extend that she can study more before she gets to congress and work on improving it.

Trying to smear a good person with good morals and political values who is studying things saying "she admits she has no idea what she's talking about" is literally a lie, she knew exactly what she was talking about, but not all the specifics of everything, which is easily solvable by the studying into the region she has been doing and will continue to do.

Try harder, jackass.


While I'll agree with your perception of Israel, I cannot agree with your perception of her moral character. Her platform is based on immoral principles. Socialism is state sanctioned theft.

She is not a socialist, so you attacking socialism is irrelevant to Ocasio-Cortez. Feel free to write me back when you actually look into her platform.

She is a social democrat, learn the difference.

She's an admitted member of "DSA" Democratic Socialists of America' not Democratic Social of America. Is a social democrat just a democrat that parties alot?

Google is your friend.



Oh and thanks for good laugh, a cyberdemon that hates israel. Irony..😂Looks like socialism to me @cyberdemon531

Only in the US would this be considered socialist. For contrast, check out the Socialist Party in some European countries like the Netherlands over here.

This is my point exactly. Americans like this are brainwashed drones that love the establishment, corruption, and murder but are too stupid to realize it.

This is social democracy and being a morally good person and treating PEOPLE with respect they deserve and not treating PEOPLE like animals, trash, or dangerous simply for what their skin color is. You're brainwashed and crazy.

This is a REPUBLIC. We the People vest our power into elected officials by consent.

Specifically, who treats who like animals? Be specific. I dont care what your color is, or if your straight or gay. Facts are facts. When looking at politicians. Dont bring in racism, as nobody here has made mention of it.

Prove me wrong.

Besides demon... she openly ran on democratic-socialist platform.

Prove that wrong as well.

And that's before they begin the democide.

What's garbage is socialism, open borders, gun control and opposing free speech. Anyone advocating for those things is advocating for authoritarianism, the end of America and democide.

She isn't a socialist, she doesn't want open borders, and she doesn't oppose freeze peach. You're lying because you have no real arguments.

What's wrong with gun control? It's control, not banning. Should 3 year olds really be allowed to use and operate AK-47s? Really?

LOL Actually you don't have any real arguments:

During the campaign, Ocasio-Cortez–a member of the Democratic Socialists of America—made several far-left proposals a centerpiece of her platform. In a video posted earlier this month, she said if elected she would fight for a federal jobs guarantee, a $15-per-hour minimum wage, paid family and sick leave, “Medicare for all,” tuition-free public college and trade schools, a nation-wide 100 percent renewable energy plan by 2035, and abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

A socialist who wants to abolish ICE, that's calling for open borders. She is a progressive right? Are you a progressive?

In America you can no longer be a progressive and support free speech. Haven't you heard?

A 3 year old? Is that the gun control she has proposed? that three year olds may not operate AK-47s really? Or did you just make up something that does not make any sense?

ICE began existence in 2003, so are you saying we had open borders from 1776 to 2003? Didn't know that! Cool!

I am an extreme progressive and I love freeze peach. The problem is that people like you lean on it to say racist fucking trash like this. You don't have a right to advocate for murder and not be criticized. No one is saying you should be jailed, they're saying you're a fucking idiot and you're wrong, but you want a safe space without truth and honesty apparently you little baby snowflake hahaha

3 year olds are allowed to posses and use weapons unrestricted in many parts of the country, she wants to control them to the point where moral and responsible adults may posses them, not anyone and everyone.

Stop lying about your opposition and actually argue policy.

I am an extreme progressive and I love freeze peach. The problem is that people like you lean on it to say racist fucking trash like this.

I like how you contradict yourself and make up stupid shit. You are clearly mocking free speech by calling it "freeze peach" right? And you say you support it but then you say you think free speech is a problem. So you do agree with the other progressives that free speech is a problem. Racism? Please by all means tell me what is racist that I have said that you wish I couldn't say?

You don't have a right to advocate for murder and not be criticized.

I am sure that I have not advocated for murder, that's stupid, and of course I haven't said anything about not being criticized for anything I have said. Keep making up things, this is funny.

No one is saying you should be jailed, they're saying you're a fucking idiot and you're wrong, but you want a safe space without truth and honesty apparently you little baby snowflake hahaha

LOL, nope, you are the first one to say anything as bizarre as that. When was the first time someone called you a snowflake, how did it make you feel?

3 year olds are allowed to posses and use weapons unrestricted in many parts of the country, she wants to control them to the point where moral and responsible adults may posses them, not anyone and everyone.

So you were lying about her proposing that 3 year olds be banned from AK-47 possession? Care to be honest about the actual gun control proposals she supports? Who will decide who is "moral", the morality police? You trust white policemen to decide if a woman of color is moral enough to be able to defend herself?

Stop lying about your opposition and actually argue policy.

I like it, the projection is complete, very pathological, I have not lied at all and you have done nothing but lie, have you been tested for TDS?

Freeze Peach is a problem, yes. That doesn't mean I disagree with it. I think it's much much better than controlled speech, but to claim that it's infallible is naive and stupid

If you 'believe' in capitalism and imperialism you are advocating for murder. We are the richest country in the history of humanity, and 45,000 people die every year due to preventable disease because of lack of health care. To claim that's not murder is a profound example in mental gymnastics.

So, you hate 'socialism', right? How do you feel about police? Fire Fighters? Schools? Roads? Social Security? Do you hate all these policies?

If you think you should be able to preach murderous policy and not be called out, you are a snowflake, plain and simple. A pweshus wittle snowflake ;3

I don't trust any policemen, I hate policemen, all cops are bastards and 9 times out of 10 they do more harm than good. They can go fuck themselves. The idea behind her policies is that we reform the forces that control us into being a more democratic fashion. Instead of rich and powerful people deciding everything, we the people decide things and control ourselves. We don't need daddy to save us from anything by beating us to death with our own tax dollars.

Ocasio-Cortez wants guns to be accessible when people can be responsible with them. Children cannot, and those with severe mental health issues probably cannot. That's the end of her opinion as far as I have read. To think she wants to ban guns is simply hilarious.

what did I say that got your panties in a twist?

Lying about her positions and fueling a hate narrative based on things that are factually untrue for the sake of playing Team with your favorite Team and not based on actual political discussion and nuance. You're lying for the sake of lying.

I quoted her.
She said it.
so who's lying?

She did not, she said she "wasn't an expert" and is studying more on the situation in the several months before she enters congress. She is a person, not an encyclopedia. This is how people learn, they talk and study.

she's definitely right about not being an expert.
or even knowledgeable.
on anything.

so far she's changed her position on multiple subjects multiple times.
just RIGHT for Congress.
she's perfect!

'she's not an expert'.
a question for the socialists.
who do we want making our laws?
'not an expert' or people who have a clue?