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RE: Socialism Debunked in Two Sentences

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

Great video with some very valid points. I don't think taxation is theft. We need to collectively pool for certain things like defense, major infrastructure, primary schools and basic healthcare (to prevent the spread of disease) but taxation to cover anything beyond the basics and for an expanding bureaucracy is definitely theft. Certain things like water delivery systems should also be socialized but at a local level.


Taxation is theft. Collective pooling for things we believe to be necessary can be done voluntarily, without force.

True but how do you police it? I'd prefer to go back to a time where there was just VAT , tariffs, levies and fees. Income tax is definitely theft and the government could run basic services off of user fees. Government should not be competition for charities

I agree with the collectively pooling of resources of for the items like you describe as long as it is voluntary. Once you have interference and coercison with an individual or a individual's property is where I draw the line. Appreciate your thoughts and thanks for dropping by.

Government should not tax income and work, they could tax non productive assets and consumption, especially excessive consumption and imports. Things like roads should just be user fees based