Except that if you confront anyone who's for Zero Aggression on how they are for Zero Aggression in an Aggression Tolerant society they will never advocate initiating force against the aggressors who use force.
The point is that regardless of how many are "against slavery" or "against aggression" nobody will be free when aggressors and slave owners and their henchmen walk around aggressing by design and hold the power by force. Defense goes all the way, either you're actively cutting down any and all aggressors that are openly and effortlessly walking around or you might as well tell slaves that they ought not to be slaves, everyone KNOWS that already, it's irrelevant to the situation which requires aggression itself, being on the defensive then from the attacks of the state requires complete and total war against the state or it makes Zero Aggression only Tolerant of Aggression.
Thank you for the reply.
Most of the people don't know that, and most will defend the state and even other agressors.
The following I write just to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
It requires violence or better said force?
What do you mean with complete and total war?
And how are you now at war?
do you shoot all the bureaucrats, politicians, judges ,police, military, and all that voted for them and want them to boss them around and worse you around?.......for if you are at war with the state you are at war with almost everyone.
Ok . One question I still have though is; what do you mean with Total War. What does that consist of.
I think you do not mean the thing I have in mind when I think of war. You just would not be alive today.
I know that, I thought I explained already.
You think, that the people that say they believe in the zero aggression principle, expect that the slave owners will listen to kumbaya and the alphabet organizations will reform? Because I don't believe that.
That is what the ZAP means yeah They initiate violence all day every day.
I believe covert is the only way, for me, for now, there are so few of us here. In the US it's different there the overt way is more part of the culture.
I'm really sorry that I have such a hard time understanding you, and that I ask so many questions, but I really want to understand what you are saying.
Thanks for the patient reply :)