La discriminacion / The discrimination

in #discriminacion7 years ago

La discriminacion es algo abundante hoy en dia, hacia todos los lados de la sociedad, bien sea por su estado financiero, fisico, gustos, nacionalidades, y muchas otras las cuales no enumerare ya que todos nosotros las conocemos y las vemos a diario o bien las cometemos, espero que no concientemente.
Quizas nadie se moleste en leer esto que escribo pero solo quiero que cada uno de los lectores de esto se den cuenta de que a nadie le gusta ser discriminado y que si no lo ha vivido o si tal vez por algun motivo lo vivio o lo vive, nos pongamos a pensar y tomemos una decision como personas que somos, ya basta de que nos discriminen o ya basta que veamos personas discrimiando a otras y no hagamos nada.
No lo digo solo porque lo haya sufrido, sino porque a quien estan discriminando es una persona, la cual puede ser tu mismo en algun momento o puede ser algun familiar o amigo tuyo, que si fuera asi, no harias nada?
Aun no logro entender como somos iguales pero diferentes, si tan solo nos detuvieramos a pensar un momento y nos dieramos cuenta que individualmente no somos nada y que juntos lo somos todo.
Y aunque muchos no lo acepten todos nos necesitamos a todos.


The discrimination is abundant nowadays, towards all the sides of the society, or by its financial state, physical, tastes, nationalities, and many others which I will not enumerate since all of us know them and we see them daily or We commit them, I hope not consciously. Maybe nobody bothers to read what I write but I just want that each one of the readers of this realizes that nobody likes to be discriminated against and that if they have not lived it or if maybe for some reason they lived it or lived it , let us think and make a decision as people we are, it is enough that we discriminate or it is enough that we see people discriminating against others and we do nothing. I do not say it just because I suffered it, but because who is discriminating is a person, which can be yourself at some time or can be a family member or friend of yours, that if it were like that, you would not do anything? I still can not understand how we are the same but different, if we just stop to think for a moment and realize that individually we are nothing and that together we are everything. And although many do not accept it, we all need everyone.
