Introducing A place for Dash merchants to list businesses. A short look at InstantSend as well.

in #digitalcash9 years ago (edited) is a community driven project aimed at getting any and all merchants that accept #DigitalCash listed, for free of course. Take a new payment that doesn't have charge back, doesn't require you to move cash, and is faster than a credit card.

Are you a business looking to expand your payment options? Dash is perfect for you! Why you ask? Let me explain why.

1. Dash is THE merchant focused coin, packed with features that make it the ideal crypto currency for small businesses of all types. 

Dash has come a long way since its days as Darkcoin, lead developer Evan Duffield is sort of a mad man in the crypto realm and keeps extending his vision for Dash, once he figured out fungibility, he set his sights on becoming the de-facto merchant focused coin, which has birthed features such as InstantX, Collateralized Nodes and so on. Dash has it's own blockchain powered budget system which CAN be used as a voting platform to survey the network as well. This has caused an interesting "holder" mentality to come over the Dash network lately, but all in all, the goal is clear. Dethrone PayPal. I honestly think we should go for more of a decentralized economy setup, but thats just me. Dash aims to provide merchants with a valuable digital asset they can incorporate into their businesses with ease, and without risk. (Or slow blocktimes... hehe)

2. Dash has InstantSend, the merchant focused featured aimed at fixing the double spend problem once and for all.

InstantSendMasternodes (formerly known as InstantX) is a key feature of the #DigitalCash technology, Dash has always had high hopes of becoming a Bitcoin-like digital currency used by the entire world, but Evan saw the issues Bitcoin was facing, and decided to try and fix them. Out of this desire has come , which in turn created the ability to create "instantly locking" transactions within the Dash network, basically nullifying the well-known double spend attack. InstantSend opens up amazing possibilities that Bitcoin could only dream to yield; such as no need for 0 confirmation transactions, merchant trust & possible loss. Fully fungible, Instant #DigitalCash is here folks. 

It's called D(igitalC)ash. 

How does InstantSend Work?

InstantSend utilizes the Masternode Network to lock a transaction and therefore provide a 100% secure transaction that cannot be double spent as the Masternodes have already broadcasted it to the network within 1.3 seconds. In some cases InstantSend has been able to get a transaction through in under a second. Below is a diagram for InstantSend (formerly InstantX), as you can see Dash locks 5 blocks so they cannot be fooled, creating an instant payment network. Most InstantSend transactions are between .7 and 1.5 seconds. The average being 1.3 seconds.

Curious about Dash? Checkout Dash School w/ Amanda B Johnson:

Or come chat with us in DashChat:

Thanks, feel free to follow me! @TheDashGuy. I hope to be posting more often now.