Spaced Out- Photography Series #12

in #digitalart6 years ago

Today I am feeling a little out of this world so tried to capture that in this image.

Everyone gets days like it, you wake up and no matter where you go or what you do, it can feel like a dream, like you are floating through the consciousness of the unviverse and you almost feel invinsable.

Then on the other side of that coin, you feel heavy like your neck can not support your head and you feel weary about every step you take in fear of breaking a bone.

It is quite a paradox to be in but strangely, it is a head space that I quite enjoy, life makes more sense and seams some what easier. The pressure of life does not come into context or bare any pressure on your shoulders when you feel like you are in a dream because in a dream you just 'do' or 'go' no questions asked.

Anything is possible in a dream.
So make everyday feel like a dream ♡


Nice picture, I know what you mean but havnt felt like that in a while myself, i got some plant material to make ayahuasca to try months ago but havnt touched it yet, been thinking about it lately tho, maybe that will do it.

Thank you @tomthomas
Yes, it is a shame that we can not feel like that constantly but we sure can try! Ayahuasca would be a great way of opening the gateway, I actually done some Liberty Caps Monday evening just gone. Managed to keep them from last years season but safe to say they did not lose any of their magic and have been feeling in bliss since ♡

nice to hear that ♡, me and u the same, i love a magic mushy or 2, didnt have any this year tho although i still went picking, got a blinding perspective shot of 2 liberty caps with my mate in the background on his phone, i will have 2 dig it out and upload it.....

Nice to meet a fellow space cadet as yourself @tomthomas
It would be great to see that shot, I have never taken any pictures of liberty caps for some reason, have a great picture of an fly agaric mushroom which I will share with you tomorrow!

This was quite cool. I absolutely adore photo / image.

Nice one @jademarie .
Have not heard from you, why?

Been a busy bee @davidsworld23! I'm always here ♡

You are right anything is possible with dream

It's the glasses @jademarie!