The POWER of GOOD Habits.

in #diet7 years ago

**I finally decided on what to share on my first blog, so if you're reading this then thank you, and hopefully it will bring some positivity to your day!

The secret to success = "Small daily disciplines performed consistently." -Jim Rohn

Everything you do in your life is because it has become a habit to you. Whether its good or bad.. You wake up at a certain time, probably with an alarm, you snooze it twice, you get up and brush your teeth then take a warm shower.. habit. You drink coffee with 1 sugar each morning and eat coco pops for breakfast (other good sugary cereals are available!).. habit. You pay for gym membership but go once in a blue moon... habit. You drive to work every day.. habit. You check your Facebook account at every available opportunity.. habit.  You smoke and drink beer at weekends.. habit. You go for a run each morning.. habit. You get my gist.

Now its true bad habits are hard to break, but there's some good news for you, good habits are even harder to break because they actually benefit you, and your body & mind will like this!

There are theories that it takes 21 days to create a habit, or 30 days, or 90 days etc... whatever amount of time it does take, its clear that it takes more than just doing something a couple of times for it to really kick in.

People give up on things very quickly, diets for example, its why diets in my opinion don't work! But it can be tough for people to stick to something because literally, life gets in the way sometimes! So here's my top tip and its something which a lot of my clients are doing and are getting extremely good results from:


Choose something you want to improve on yourself, for example, you want abs! You're abs are there but its likely they have a layer of fat covering them, thats why you cant see your lumps and bumps when you take your top off! Okay so we have the "Destination".

Do Your Research (Google)

Find out what it takes to achieve your goal in the long term, to get abs, its to start eating and drinking healthier for starters. Don't worry about doing 1000 sit ups a day, you wont stick to it anyway ;)

Pick 1 Good Habit you can perform every day for a week

Okay so to get abs its clear diet is key! Each morning I'm going to half my sugar in my coffee and drink a glass of water with it too. Is this doable? Yes. Is it crazily different to what i was doing before? No. Could I do this for 7 days? Yes. Perfect!

Commit to the first 7 days and on day 8, add another new habit

Do it for 7 days, simples. If you fail on day 6.. start again until you can complete it for 7 days. Once you've done it, its becoming a habit, now add another! For example, eat an apple mid morning instead of my usual biscuits, is this doable? Yes. Is it crazily different and something I couldn't stick to for a week? No. Perfect! Do it!

And after 3 weeks, the magic 21 days which so many people write about, it should now become a habit to you! Its normal to have half a sugar in my coffee, its normal to drink water every morning, its normal to eat an apple mid morning..... its all now habit! And now good habits are starting to creep in I start noticing I have more energy, my body shape is starting to get a bit better, I've lost 5lbs and my trousers are slightly loose! MAGIC! 

Give it a try and let me know which good habits you're going to add to your day, and if you need any help just shout! 

Good Luck!



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Ace thank you! 👍🏼👍🏼

Hi @totalphitness...I am going to start changing some of my lifestyle habits..eating a more plant based diet ..more colors of the rainbow...I'm going to be 44 in Sept...and I need to lose a significant amount of weight ..thanks for sharing :) :)

Awesome! Good luck you can achieve anything you want 🙌🏼

Small victories! Good post!

Absolutely! Thanks X